Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No Nap Tuesday

Luke did NOT want to lay down today. At all! He woke up around eight o'clock, a little bit later than normal I admit, but for no reason would he take a nap. And it was so sad because he kept rubbing at his eyes like he was tired. From 1:30pm to 3:00pm he cried in his crib. I had to keep repeating to myself.. "You're not a bad mother. You're not a bad mother," while I sat in the other room eating leftovers.

There is one thing I'd like to point out though. No matter if it's a good day or a bad day,  I can always say this: I have never seen such unconditional love in person than from my son. I can read him all the stories in the world and it wouldn't matter. I could call him the dorkiest nicknames in the world and it wouldn't matter. I could accidentally pinch his finger in the fingernail clippers and it wouldn't matter. He loves me.
(I am referring to... today I read Goodnight Moon and The Berenstein Bears: God Loves You! trying to get him sleepy. It didn't work. My mother calls him "Buster Brown". If you Google that... you will find the freakiest looking kid and dog. Mom thinks they're cute. And last, yes, I pinched him. It broke my heart to know that I hurt him. But he got over it. With his little finger puffed up. It reminds me of the time my mom zipped my neck up in my winter coat. Twice.)

He makes the funniest faces.
Hanging with Mommy. Luke, thank you for being so photogenic in this one...

And now I shall leave you with this precious gift.

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