Saturday, December 31, 2016

Moving Month, Part 2

This has been the hardest month (week) physically, financially, emotionally, and any other which way you look at it. Originally our Must Move Out Date was December 15th. But when the new buyer's loan didn't come through, the date was pushed back to December 30th. Aldo and I had most of our stuff moved out by the 15th. The final things were bicycles, tools, and the like in the garage. And some condiments in the fridge. Then, the week of Christmas mom informed us she was going out of town to Tennessee to move her camper and put an offer on some land down there. She said we (Aldo, myself, my uncles and Granddad) had to move her stuff out by the time she got back. Because the next day she would be signing the papers over. !! We had three days.... AND this is Aldo's busiest season, full of BLACK OUT days. 
Well, we did it. We got it done. With a toddler too!
Let me vent for a second.... I thought I might get a break from moving on Christmas Day. I didn't. Mom was taking off the next day for her trip, and all Christmas she was grumpy, saying stuff like "well I need to pack... I guess I'll do it by myself... nobody is helping me..." in her passive aggressive way of asking people to help her move. It's Christmas! So I went all day hearing this while trying to be with family, and finally couldn't take it any more and went over to help her get things loaded on her camper at night, since the guys just wanted to watch football. We pulled the camper in front and were checking the tail lights when we found that the entire right corner was covered in mold. The cushions were ruined. The corner needs completely gutted. So I couldn't pack anything on the camper. At the same time we found a leak in the garage. Apparently all that work mom and Jerad did on the garage roof, pulling up the surrounding metal, cleaning off the top, patching, and painting didn't fix the problem. So all night mom was furious. I went to help her pack so she would be ready to leave at 6 or 7 in the morning, so she could get down to Tennessee at the time she wanted, but instead  most of the time was spent shaking her head at the cushions and the puddle in the garage floor. The next morning she took her Durango to the mechanic to have fluids checked and wound up getting things replaced... and didn't leave until after noon.

Day 1 - Monday : Jerad cleaned out the 3rd garage stuff like mom's tools that she wanted in the trailer and put a load of things in his horse stall.

Day 2 - Tuesday : Jerad and I started packing boxes and moved them all to the large trailer with the furniture so we could figure out the best way to pack it on mom's trailer (to fit it all and get what mom wanted by the door.) Then when Jul came over we started moving it over to mom's trailer. It was probably our biggest moving day. And all this time Luke, Jenna and sometimes Jenna's friend were watching Mila.

Day 3 - Wednesday : Aldo and I both had to work in the morning, so Jerad watched the kids for us. Dad wanted to meet with me and the kids after I got off work for a special Christmas shopping spree. And then when we got back, Jerad was ready to finish with mom's house. I guess he had moved the rest of the garages and back room to the barn?? Or somewhere. I have no idea. So what was left was craft room junk and outside junk. We spent the night moving old, good-for-nothing (not even firewood) lumber on Jul's trailer. 

By the time mom got home on Thursday I was super excited that we got all that she asked done. Thursday morning Aldo and I went to sign papers at the apartment because it would be his only day off. Mom wasn't impressed at all when she saw what we had done. She said we didn't have to move the wood. The trailer was packed wrong. And where did her computer go? And we need to stop using her internet. ?!?! 

The newest news is this: the sale of the house fell through.
The appraiser for the VA that the guy was getting his loan from appraised the house too low. An appraisal that may stick with the house for 6 months. Mom doesn't want to come down on the price of the house again... (it would be $232K). All of our rush and work, I feel, was for nothing. She commented that she's letting the contract with her real estate agent run out and she'll do a For Sale by Owner. And in the meantime bring up the price of the house by updating the kitchen.

Lately, she's been hovering. The other day she wanted Luke to go with her to recycle, and when I said no because we had plans, she began to interrogate me on what those plans were. And got defensive when I said she's judgemental and that's why I didn't want to tell her. (Maecy said she told her our conversation and that she assumed I was at our Pastor's house. A Pastor's is not a bad place to hang out. No wonder I never had friends growing up...). When I went over today  to finish up the basement by shampooing the rest of the carpet and sweeping and mopping, and scrubbing the bathroom floor like she wanted... she came down and started spraying cleaner in the creepy bathroom (that we never used and had already cleaned) and started looking under sinks and such. When are we going to be free of her criticism? Are we ever going to be finished with the house? We have our own apartment now, pushed out / forced to get into by my own mother... when is our life going to become important?   Nothing we ever do, no decision we make is ever going to appease her.

I'm seriously bummed for my mom that the house didn't work out. This whole adventure / process has been one obstacle after another. I'm sorry her hopes were set high. I'm sorry she's now stuck in a house to pay for by herself, with an animal she'll have to take care of by herself, with repairs or remodeling she wants to make to get it sold at the price she wants and I'm sure she'll be left to do it by herself. The outcome to all of this isn't what I thought. What should be a celebratory thing hasn't been that way with every step. All I know is now we have the keys to a place called home, and we're going to be sleeping there on Tuesday. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Moving Month, Part 1

1 Year, 4 Months

We're half-way through our move. Like any other major events that happen in life, there's been some good and some bad points, although I would say this has been better than what I expected, and the so-called "bad" have just been "surprises". For instance, I thought the kids would get on my nerves. They don't at all. The kids are hardly here, and when they are Luke has someone to keep him busy and off the tv, Mila has young baby watchers so we can move or clean or cook, and if none of the above, they actually keep to themselves. When they're not here the house is absolute quiet. My uncle is usually off doing horse business making the big bucks, or in his room. Another example, I thought Mila would be too much for them because she can be demanding and loud. The kids LOVE her and she has this weird communication/connection with Jerad. He LOVES her. My guess is he has a little baby fever. (After all they used to foster all the time. So kids had the run of the place.) For some reason I keep imagining my mom talking with family members and as a side note questioning how it's going or somehow making us look like bad renters (whether it's not getting the laundry through in a timely fashion, not cleaning up dishes, always watching tv, always sleeping, always reading, using all the internet, using all the water, not offering to help with horses, not painting the place..... these are just some valid to outlandish things I could come up with, and it's not really that far-fetched of a daydream). And Jerad answering for us.. "no, they're good tenants." Of course we are. I feel as if Jerad would rather we stay longer; if not for the extra money then for the company.

This past week was the first time we actually "hung out". Aldo and I had to go somewhere, I can't remember, and Aldo told Jerad he could watch on our tv. When we got back Jerad has his feet up on the couch all comfortable-like and was watching off of Kodi (the movie set-up Dad did for us). The next day he was on it again. And the next day. And then the kids were here for the weekend. At first they played outside in the snow, and then when they came in... watched on our tv again! This was the surprise. I thought for sure they would leave by bedtime. Because they were watching the movie for the second time. And it was a school night. And privacy. Nope. Aldo wasn't here so Luke was put in bed and Mila and I hid in my room watching a DVD on my laptop. So this was the one time where privacy ever came up. And it really wasn't that bad. Not what I thought.

The other surprise has been the fireplace. It's not bad or anything... just a nuisance. You have to restock the logs more frequently than what I would have thought. Our first night here was the coldest night ever!! And so now we know how much firewood, size of logs, when to put them in, how to control the fire, etc. I guess for if we ever need to know that information. But more importantly, central heating is a MUST and a fireplace can be back-up.


Today I had a morning meeting, so while Mila slept on Jerad's watch, Luke came with me and then I took him to school. This would give me the chance to ask about transferring later on and virtual school, etc. The office lady was a heckler. She gave me the 10th degree and dug in to where I had to tell the truth about us moving. And she was like... <use Wicked Witch of the West voice>.. "well using a different address is illegal." Ugh. Do you know how many people live out of district and still go to the school of their choice? Or use a different address than where they are really living? A ton of people. AND, I've had several people tell me that they knew people who didn't have to transfer. A Piper kid for instance. That's KCK school district. Hmmmm.... So it's not like I was asking for Luke to ride the bus or anything. She said, "well, he'll need to get approved by the district office and you'll have to call them... and usually only people who need special attention or special reasons get through." Baloney. (I know that's not how you spell the word... But I think that's how It's spelled when it's not the lunch meat, and more of phoney information. Just so you know. I'm not illiterate. Haha!)

So... today I've spent scrambling to get paperwork together: birth certificate, lease information, immunizations, utility information, etc. All before the schools and businesses are closed for the holidays and winter break. Luke's last day at Basehor Elementary is tomorrow!!! He doesn't even know. Him, his teacher, the schools... it's like nobody had been prepped and made ready for this transition. Poor buddy. His friends are going to be surprised to know that he's not coming back from winter break. He's moving away. And so what should be a fun thing has become an emotional, sad thing. My poor baby. I can see a few benefits from this:

1. The new school is directly across the street from the apartments. So I no longer have to travel back and forth to take Luke to school. Less money spent on gas for transportation. And I do t have to travel during the winter months either. And I can be there at a moment's notice if need be.

2. We continue to break out on our own. Is Johnson County where we see ourselves in the future? Well, we aren't still hitched to family in the boonies.

3. It's easier to transfer now rather than in 2nd or 3rd or 4th grade, or middle school. It's better now while he's young. And at least it's one kid and not both of them.

4. This is weird, but another daydream I've been having is that what if this is all part of God's plan? What if years from now Luke is sitting across from his wife, whom he met in 1st grade at this new school, and she confesses that if he had come sooner he would never have "stuck out" to her. An de if he had come sooner he would never have been coupled up with her to learn the class rules, catch up on the subject, etc. What if this is all God's plan? (That should have been my #1.)

As I was being handed all the paperwork to sign at this new school from this new face in the office, I was heartbroken that Luke had to be plucked out from what he knew and pushed into something else. I said out loud, "<sigh> this is sad." The office lady looked at me like I was crazy. Like I was getting a divorce or something and Luke was going to need counciling. Not the case, lady. It's more like my expectations were hit by a train. And so all I can think is - it must all be God's plan to get us into that position where He wants us. Literally.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Let's Throw in a Wrench

Have my posts been mainly negative lately? I feel like every single one since June has been negative. Sorry, if so. It's not my intention.

HOWEVER, I have some good news and some... wrenches.
Aldo and I went and looked at the apartments on Wednesday and Thursday last week like we planned. Apartment #1 was right off the highway in a closed off neighborhood, but the lady immediately turned me off from it because she was snooty and didn't seem to care (or maybe she thought it was out of our price range). Even so, because she didn't try to "sell" it to us... Aldo and I picked that place apart! We were so skeptical, which hopefully surprised the lady into treating the next couple differently. Truth be told, the corner kitchen was almost non-existent and I need room in my kitchen. I don't want dishwasher on top of oven and fridge hidden in a weird place. So Apartment #1 was a big, fat NO. The next day we went to scheduled, Apartment #2. The lady there was much nicer, the apartment wasn't terrible per se, and they had a fishing pond as an amenity as well as the usual outdoor and indoor swimming pool, which was really cool. But, on the downside they couldn't show us a two bedroom and they have over 30 different floor plans. I want to see what I'm buying! That way I can plan for it. How do I know if I can get my couch in the door? So, that was a red flag making Apartment #2 a NO also. Driving down the street, Aldo said that a friend recommended one that was close by, so just in passing we decided to drop in unannounced and check it out. Apartment #3 lady was so sweet to us and to Mila. (A good sign.) She showed us a model that was almost the exact floor plan of what was available. It was nice and open. The kitchen was big. Large closets in both rooms. AND the apartments are gated and after doing a search, I found that they're across the street from a brand new elementary school. AND, in the right price range!!! I got so excited leaving. It was an actual possibility. The more and more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. Luckily for us, someone put in their deposit that day so we couldn't. As I type, we are on a call list. When the next apartment opens, we're putting in our application and deposit. !!!!! Finally, we will be adults again. On our own. No one judging what we do. No one complaining. No one getting upset because we didn't offer our to help out of our free time or family time.
I am so eager, I can't contain it!

But, like we agreed, we are set on not moving in until February (tenants must give 60 days notice), if an apartment opens. And of course, after we test to see if it's affordable. My guess is - we can make it happen.

Now for the wrench. So we've got the ball rolling... this week we moved around Jerad's furniture and dusting, preparing for a carpet cleaning and to get our stuff moved in hopefully by next week. Then, last night... mom said she was taking the downstairs room that's closest to the door. THAT'S LUKE'S ROOM. You know when you plan for things and then... someone else throws in a wrench. There have been so many wrenches in 2016, it's like a nightmare for someone like me. So... I've been perturbed to say the least.
  1. There's only two open rooms downstairs. The third room needs a lot of cleaning. I don't think it's going to be open by December.
  2. ALDO and I have been prepping and talking about this. Nobody else has said a word.
  3. I have barely dealt with living with my mom above us. And I was worried about living with another relative (male too!) and it ending up just the same. How in the world can we live with my mom in the next room? 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Whenever I get on here my mind is literally blank on what I should write. So much happens week to week, there's absolutely no way of catching up on all of it. This past week/month/year has been no different. I can't even begin to cover it all. So forgive me with the things that I'm writing on or the things I have missed...

Since Aldo and I caved in October and bought our first flatscreen tv (finally!) with our first credit card (yikes!) I've been able to keep up-to-date on all the happenings in the world. I'll tell you, I'm not impressed. It's wearisome. Today is Election Day. For the past 500+ days, everything has been this candidate and that candidate, accusation after accusation, this "tweet" and that document... It's hard to take seriously. But tonight there will definitely be a new president in the White House. It really opens your eyes to what's in store for the next 4 years. How is this going to look for my children? How can I teach them to be "informed" when they are surrounded with a ton of bipartisan and/or fluffed up media?
I had to have a conversation with my 6-year-old a couple weeks ago on politics. They were discussing who to vote for on the bus. First off, why can't our kids just be kids for a while longer!?! Second, how do you discuss with your kid the hard issues and topics? The ones people get really passionate about and even offended? I don't want to downplay it, but I don't want to burden them either. And I don't want to make the decision for them either. I explained to him what each candidate planned on doing, simply, and told him it was his choice to pick who would lead the United States best. My son is so brilliant, he told me it was a tough choice because he didn't agree with either one of the candidates fully. (This year the runners are Donald Trump [Rep] and Hillary Clinton [Dem].) 

If I Were President...
"I would say that it's a law to take showers weekly."
"I'll try to be a good and wise president."

I will be glad when this is all over. I feel cautious... There are so many people that have become hardened, I think. There is "Black Lives Matter", "Blue Lives Matter", different communities... and last night I just heard the phrase Divided States of America. This is scary folks. Our nation is on the brink of change. So where do we stand when all the pieces fall?

Another change has been the sale of this house, and the move to <fill in blank>.
Mom projected that the house would sell in October and her goal was $334K. It was an outrageous amount so we didn't think it would sell as quick. Every other weekend it felt like there was an "open house" without anyone seriously buying. And every other weekend we had to clean the house top to bottom, following our kids around AND making improvements on top of that. It was exhausting. AND some of those weekends we had to take care of the animals alone. It was beginning to be a fun-sucking process. Mom lowered the price (a total shock) and started getting some real bites. At the end of October, she came to an agreement on an offer $273,500. We had inspectors come... a ton of them... all on the same day! It was nuts. They checked EVERYTHING! (The lagoon, upstairs, downstairs, light sockets, water damage, mold, the roof, the dirt and poisonous air that might come out of it, etc.) It looked promising until the gentleman said he wanted the lagoon moved. How would you move a lagoon? Mom didn't cave; she said no. They agreed that mom would clean the garage roof (because Ollie pooped on it) and would have it patched where it had been leaking.
Starting in November, it appeared that we wouldn't be living here after December; we won't have Christmas here. I wasn't really torn up about it... a house is a house... but the more I think about it, the more it kind of saddens me. It is a basement, but it's difficult to imagine having Christmas at a new place. Anyway, November we began searching FOR REAL for apartments. The obtaining of a home loan without credit seemed too far-fetched when we didn't have the "alternative stuff" that they wanted specifically, and we didn't have enough of a downpayment either. So, option #2... rent an apartment. It's been a while since we looked at the apartment market, but geez... it's expensive. Our rating system for apartments was on a scale of 1-10... 10 being everything we ever wanted and 1 being better than a box. I googled, Zillowed, apartmentsearched, mapped, etc. every apartment in the area. There is hardly anything. It was overwhelming. It has come down to... you are paying the extra money to live in a neighborhood with less reported crime, drugs, shady people, and extra appliances.
To cut a long story short, we made appointments to look at two apartments this week that, at the time, I had a feeling we can't afford.
BUT THEN... I prayed. It seemed we had two choices:
1. Live with Jerad and save. But we wouldn't get the "alternative credit" for renting so we would have to get more credit cards (that we don't want) and open our own phone lines or pay for internet or some other utilities (that we don't necessarily need). And yet, Luke would easily remain in the school he's attending and I wouldn't need to worry about driving him.
2. Rent from a way over-priced apartment and go through our savings, as well as have to wake up early and drive Luke to school daily. Or rent in a questionable neighborhood and fear for what may be going on around us and who, and still drive Luke to school. Is it worth it?
After I prayed, God spoke to me. He said, "Why don't you live with Jerad in December and pay him what you agreed on and the difference put straight in savings? Pretend like you are renting." I thought about it and went through all the pros... Luke still goes to school; if we go negative on budget, it's not like we actually lost the money; we get prepped for how this will look; if we can make the budget work in December when it's Christmas then we can make it work any month, etc. But then I stopped and had to ask, "But is this still faith?" And He said, "Is faith being OBEDIENT?" When I told this to Aldo, he agreed that we weren't going to argue and we'll do the December mock-renting at Jerad's. It's wise, right? Like, why didn't we think of this earlier?
So, we are prepping to move to Jerad's. This week we are still going to the apartments to get our numbers to budget on, and next week we'll probably clean Jerad's basement and get it ready to move into. Then we'll move over the things that we don't use everyday. And by December the rest of it.
A quick side note: I never thought she would do it, but it looks like Mom is selling the chickens. I was beginning to think she was taking them with her to Tennessee. She said that the only reason she wanted us to stay as long as we have is so that we can let out the chickens in the morning. (!!!) Well, thanks for that.

At the same time... I don't want to put all her dirty laundry on here, so I'll leave out the details... Maecy and Mateo moved in. I have been watching Mateo a few days out of the week. He's a good kid, but two babies at the same time is almost too much. I look forward to when Aldo or Mom or Maecy, or Luke even, come home. I'm beginning to get the schedule down, like when nap times are and when to eat, or check for poop. But when they cry and you're tired from apartment hunting and cleaning and other small annoyances... it's like nails on a chalkboard. Thank you Lord, that this isn't going to last too long.

Our First Day with Mateo
(He was crying, and at first Mila tried to cheer him up, 
but when he just got louder, this is what followed.)

So the next few months and 2017 are going to have a whole new look. It's almost like earth got hit and is revolving on a new axis. Well, I'm not being dramatic or anything... <sarcasm>. I think I need to follow up this post with a few pictures maybe.

Halloween 2016: A Poke-Family
Luke was Infernape (a level two pokemon that is a monkey and catches on fire. 200 attack points.)
Mila was Pikachu. I was a Pokeball, and Aldo was the guy who throws the Pokeball.

I guess I didn't get to talk about it... Halloween was alright. Luke, Mila and I went to the Cubbages and trick-or-treated with them for a road and a half, and it was kind of stressful. Then we went with Maecy and Mateo, Mom, Jerad and the kids, which was also difficult but only because the kids are heavy when you're carrying them and wearing a gigantic Pokeball. It only happens once in a lifetime though. Enjoy your family when you can! 

When Papa Visits

Hair Long Enough for Pig Tails!!! <3

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Rest of Us

I didn't get to complete my last post. I only covered the kids!
Today, we had Luke's soccer game early this morning, had to have the house up to par for a showing (and mom is gone on a "bow trip"), took care of animals, and then while we waited we went to NFM and bought a flatscreen tv!! My eyes go cross-eyed watching the tube. And I can't read the subtitles either. So, I bring this up because this is kind of a look into how our weekends go. And patiently waiting/ trying to figure out how this stinking credit thing works. It's like we're biding our time.....

Aldo finally figured out a few days ago what his plan is for the future. I asked him the other day, saying I need a plan. He heard of an opening within NFM for a warehouse manager. It would allow M-F working 6:00 am-3:00 pm, some Saturdays, starting at 52K a year WITHOUT the Bachelor's that is required for the position. Yesterday, as we were eating out he announced that someone overheard a good word. He might really get this position!! Crosses fingers. If he gets the position, the plan is to send him to school for business or something along those lines. When he completes it, his salary will go up. Then I, depending on the time, can go back to school if I wish -or- he can continue his schooling and look into the chiropractic field.

Where does this leave us with the house hunt? I have no idea. I guess we'll just keep our eyes open, bide our time, and talk to the financial advisor again. These beginning stages are lame. But things might move quicker than expected... who knows... because mom went down to Tennessee last weekend and put an offer down on a piece of land. I never find out anything through mom until much later, so I don't know the status of that.

As for myself, I have been working on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings since the summer. I'm glad we chose for me to go back to work; it has been a breath of adult air. BUT, it is not at all the same as it used to be. I still need to figure out goals for myself. Without a "to-do list" I feel lazy. Without a specific job I don't feel necessary. It's chump work. And that's ok, but I'm also applying this to the home job too. I've been digging into the Bible on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday early in the morning (and even did my own Bible Study for the teens on Cisterns vs. Wells), but I need something else too. For when I can't read all day. With Luke, I used to come up with projects. That's what I need. Once we have a house of our own, I forsee that I'll probably be DIYing and decorating a lot. But for now, what am I to do? What can I do with a 1-yr-old? I need to get that creative outlet, and satisfaction. Or teaching outlet... but she's only 1. Hmph.
Speak of the sweetie, it's time to feed. Until next time....

One last thing though... I may have an outlet here soon because we have a Halloween party coming up that I need to create some super awesome outfits for. They are family costumes. :) I have my work cut out for me! More to come soon.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

An Eating Crayons Kind of Day

Well, it seems the past weeks have been mainly going to birthday parties and cleaning house. I can't think of anything in between.

Luke is the easiest to keep track of. He has school during the day, soccer practice on Wednesdays, and games on Saturday mornings. This past Saturday, Papa came and watched. Although they lost (10-4), and although Luke tripped and ate grass hard so he had to sit on the bench for a few minutes, Luke played his best game yet! He scored 3 points and I couldn't stop bragging about how he bopped the soccer ball off of his head. Like a real pro!! I'm glad my kid enjoys playing outside, playing sports. Lately, he's been trying to pull out his second tooth. The thing is hanging on by a string and his big tooth has come in behind it. Luke said, "Grammy says I have cricket teeth and have to get braces." Haha!

Watching the Cheetahs Play!

Mila is.... I can't even explain. Today I caught her eating crayons at Stacia's house. Lately I've been so tired (not sleepy, but physically drained) to where it's hard to keep up with Mila or do anything. Stacia called and asked if I could help her get her house ready for her grandma to visit. (She's pregnant with her 4th if I haven't mentioned yet.) Maybe it's the lull of my own dungeon of a house, and doing it over and over again.... Anyway, doing things with Mila (such as reading, cleaning, cooking, watching a movie, anything....) is difficult because she likes being on your lap. She likes reinforcement. She likes your attention. There are few times where she'll play on her own, like right now! In the meantime I've been trying to teach her animal sounds and different words. If she wants/needs the attention so much, she might as well learn something. So here is what she is doing, loving, and learning:
Bullet. She probably says his name more than Mama and Dada. She really loves him so much. It sounds like "Bulley!" She also knows puppy, but we only use that for strange dogs or stuffed animals, and she doesn't say it much. And she can bark too. As far as animals go, I'm also teaching her Big Bird/chicken, horse, elephant, pig, duck, and kitty. Sometimes she shows interest. Most of the time she gets distracted. She may have a name for Luke ("Luuuuuuu"), but I've only caught her saying it once or twice. And today, for the very first time, she said, "BABY!" (I'm putting exclamation points because every time she says a word, she says it with this cute excitement.) She was looking at Jax when she said it and tried to give him his bottle. 
- Music. The girl looooves music. She was rocking on Luke's guitar until it ran out of batteries. As you know, Luke got her a little piano for her birthday. She'll play on that for a while and now sing in the microphone. She would much rather play on his huge keyboard. There are times where she'll yodel/gargle in a way, which I understand as her singing to herself. When I play music, she'll nod her head up and down. That's adorable.
- Food and snacks. I just told mom the other day that I have no idea where this child came from. She'll eat spicy enchiladas, green bean soup, Chinese food, broccoli cheddar stuff, vinegar-y QUINOA, but not bananas and not peanut butter. She recognizes the sound of an open package of chocolate, but won't touch a cupcake. She likes sipping on my cereal. She'll down a bottle of blue Gatorade, but doesn't go for apple juice or milk unless she's feelin' it. She likes fruit snacks and apple sauce, but doesn't care for graham crackers (because the ones we have are oddly shaped like Star Wars characters). I don't understand this girl at all when it comes to food.
It's a Classic.

When she falls asleep on you.... </3
- Games and toys. Our favorite game is Peek-A-Boo, and it's mainly me hiding in the same spot... in front of the Frankencouch, and saying "Boo" when she walks around. Except last night, she hid! I would love for her couch to be her favorite spot, and to sit still and watch a tv show like Luke watched Elmo or Blue's Clues, but she's not a sit still kind of girl. She walks around looking for things to get into and touch. Remotes. Books. Opening and closing cupboards, doors and drawers. Flushing the toilet. Mommy's purse... taking out credit cards and cash (this has been a repeat thing). Oy vey. But if I absolutely need to contain her - she does like the swing and the slide. And when it gets too cold out for that... we can always go back to Bullet.
 Hiding in Grammy's TV Cabinet

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Apple-Picking, Pokemon-Catching & Other Birthday Festivities

Twenty-eight has started out great. I had a couple of ideas on how to celebrate my birthday this year: go to the zoo (because I love the animals and going places, and bringing pleasure to my kids' faces), go to the Renaissance Festival (because it's close and we don't go every year), go on a double date (this was my original idea but it didn't pan out), and/or enjoy the park and then eat a cuisine I've never tasted before, such as Indian or Ethiopian food. We were able to do quite a bit!

The difficulty in celebrating my birthday is that everyone else has birthdays in September also. Why would our common friends want to celebrate so-and-so and then the next day eat out for me and then a week later eat out again?... it's not raining money. 

Last minute I had an amazing idea to go to the park. First off I wanted to put Mila on her first swing, and two, I thought we could spend some family time together (immediate family time) hunting for Pokemon at the park... figuring out this Pokemon Go thing that has taken the U.S. by craze. I LOVED IT! Every moment. Afterward we ate out at Jose Peppers for Tamra's birthday, and then drove around Shawnee Mission Parkway and Johnson Drive to find PokeStops to collect more PokeBalls to collect more Pokemon. It's quite addictive.

Both of My Kids on the Swings

 Mila's First Push on the Swing

Hunting for Pokemon 

Aldo had strange hours because of the holiday. And Saturday I wanted to get out and keep myself occupied so that I wouldn't get the birthday blues (everyone has their own things and can't celebrate me...). Randomly, I was invited to the town's apple orchard, which I never knew existed, by some old high school friends. So I packed up Luke and Mila early that morning and we went to pick apples. It was sort of weird because "my friends" didn't try to catch up with me much at all; I had more in common with the person I hardly talked to in high school and her husband, who I had never met. So yeah... awkward. But Luke and I enjoyed apple slushies and apple-flavored donuts. I bought some apple butter (which I thought would taste a ton better than what it tastes like... I was thinking of some apple spread that you put on bagels and it's kind of nutty too whereas this is more like a bitter apple jelly. Afterward I think we went home and I did some dishes and picked up the house. Woohoo <sarcasticly>.
Picking Apples (from trees & off the ground)

It's been so long since Aldo has been at church, it felt like a major holiday or special church event. And, Pastor's been preaching on The Lord's Prayer for a really long time, and this Sunday he deviated from it, so it felt really special. AND on my birthday. AND Mila stayed in the nursery for almost the entire time. Aldo had to leave for work afterward. I was so tired that I went back home and napped. Later Luke and I went back to the church for a picnic. Hardly anyone was there that I typically talk to. Instead, I was forced to talk some kids into coming to Wednesday nights, which I haven't even been going to. Ugh... I'm such a bad communicator when it comes to talking with teens. 

Because we figured out how to have our own little family night on Friday, I was able to include mom and Mace in our zoo outing, but they recommended the Topeka Zoo, which I haven't been to in a long time (Grammy used to take us). It is the smallest zoo I have ever been to. Slightly bigger than a petting zoo, but it does have some exotic animals. Like the "mouse deer", which I had never heard of, but apparently Luke had, so it was nuts when Topeka ended up having those (and not zebras?). The day was nice. I think I may have gotten cranky for a brief moment due to the heat, but all in all I think everyone had a nice time and ended the day at the zoo at the perfect time. We were home for maybe an hour to rest up and move out mom's heavy, antique cash register. Then we went to Alina's birthday at the Cubbages. She had a Bob Ross party. (How fun does that sound?!) We ate potato and chicken tacos, and the kids played together in the living room. I chased Mila around for a verrry long time. And when Pastor Sheri and Dez showed up, we watched an old "home video" from when the church went on a trip to an Indian reservation. (Both Aldo and I were touched by it; we really miss our friend.)
With the Fam at Topeka Zoo
(Maecy, Mateo, Aldo, Mila, Mom, & Luke)

Our Most Recent Family Photo (I look scary though...)

What Is Wrong With Me???

Feeding the Zoo Birds

Luke was still off of school, but Aldo was back on regular hours, so he went into work. Luke, Mila and I slept in (about an hour) and chilled all day long. When Aldo got home we went to (someplace I haven't eaten before) Carrabas because we had a gift card from years ago. According to the helpful hints and knowledge base we've aquired from watching Top Chef - Judge Luke said that the pepperoni pizza was too salty, I felt that the lobster ravioli could use some crunch, Judge Aldo liked the basil in whatever noodles he had, the appetizer's ratio of outer layer to mozzarella was off, and the pineapple cocktail drink (Aldo insisted I have it to relax) could have used more grenadine and pineapple.

So, I must admit, it hasn't been a bad celebration at all. Very laid back; not too much planned (more sporadic), which isn't really my style - but it worked!! Next year I think we should just plan to go on a small family trip - like to the lake or something. I did mention that it's been a while since I've been canoeing... And Aldo said he has never gone before. !!! And the wheels start turning...

Monday, August 29, 2016

Dog Training

1 Year, 19 Days

Amongst all the other things that have gone "wrong" in dealing with selling the house / showing house / moving sales / finding a new home to move to / etc. by far the craziest thing is when Bullet, Mom's dog, bit the neighbor kid in the butt. After the ordeal had been blown out of proportion in so many different ways, Mom decided to hire a dog trainer. I think she lucked out for once, because it's actually been informative, interesting, fun and even successful! Last week we had our first lesson. Bullet was given a collar that sends pulses to get his attention, like tapping on someone's shoulder. I can feel level 1 in my palm if I'm really concentrating and ready for it. A level 7 makes my hands feel extra sensitive after the fact, like I should be wary of more pulses coming. (I honestly don't know what the difference is between "pulses" and "shocks". The instructor said today that an electric fence takes on average of 8 times before a dog understands its boundaries. By our scale on the collar device, let's say an electric fence goes up to a level 20. Ours only goes to 7, so it'll take a few more "pulse" zaps before Bullet fully understands. ...An electric fence will make a dog jump!)

Well, Bullet doesn't like the vibration. So we just use the lowest of pulses. This past week we focused on basic commands: Come, Sit, Free, and This Way. Come and Sit are obvious, except that he isn't supposed to move until you release him. Which is what Free is. This Way is kind of like "I don't have a specific place for you to go to, walk with me this way." And with each command we must hit the button on a level 1. That way he knows to pay attention when Owner is around. It might take a few times to get his attention, in which case, if it takes more than 3-4 times of commanding him, we have to turn up the level one notch. The highest I've gotten with him was a 3. But by the end of the week, after using all of this while walking Luke to the end of the drive for the bus, it was hard to even command him because he was already doing things before I had a chance to say it. He also started going poop on his walks without any training! Instead of going in the garage. Mom says that he's "respecting us more".

Anyway, so today we had our second lesson. We put up flags around the front perimeter of the house, only to the circle drive and across to the side of the house before the fence and on the other side in the small field to the fence, so he would know his boundaries. The flags tell him, "you can't pass this point". If he comes within 5 feet, we warn him with the sound. If he comes within 2 feet, we "pulse" him at a 4-ish. (Every dog is different. Some only need a little buzz and some need the mack daddy pulse. Bullet whimpered and freaked out a 7 when we were testing him. He learned quick not to cross over by the flags. So we only have to use a 3-4. Maybe a 5 or 6 if he doesn't return to the safe spots.

This week is all about the front yard and going off leash.

By the end of his lesson, he was DONE. It wears him out. He didn't even want to be near the yard, only wanted to stay on the front porch. Or in the garage. By the end of the week, he'll know his limits.

I thought this would be an interesting thing to write about because, well, we've never had a "trained" dog before. And also, because Bullet is Mila's favorite. We'll go outside and she'll look around for him and call - Bull! Bull! He'll come over and lick her hand and the inside of her mouth. She enjoys it.... And my last reason is because maybe, just maybe, one day we'll decide to own our own pet (and of course it'll be a dog because we're dog people - must be warm-blooded unlike the stupid fish and stupid crabs Luke had/has) and we'll need to know how to train them. So for your records, sport dog? is the brand of dog collar that's been working. I'll let you know more about our doggie school as it comes up!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Milestones Plus

I had better catch up. I realized that I don't know the exact day that Mila started walking. Believe it or not, I thought she walked first with me. And I was so excited about it because she took 3 steps to make it to ME!!! And then later I found out that she had already walked for mom. Way to burst my bubble. Anyway, here are the milestones for a 1-Year Old.

  • Cruising/Walking - ALL THE TIME. Cruising is when babies/toddlers walk along stuff, like the couch. This is easy peasy for Mila. And I realized a few days ago, that she is daily walking more and more by herself. First it was 3 steps. The next day 4 steps. The next day 5 there and 5 back again. But, she's only walking when she wants, because cruising and crawling are a whole lot faster. And she's got places to be.
  • Pincer Grasp - She was able to do this long ago. She's been able to break into her snacks with her teeth since the day she first had them! And... she can't hold just one snack at a time either. Must have hands full of food!!!
  • Separation Anxiety - She has this every once in a while. She used to cry when I got home from work (after Aldo had been watching her all evening). She would be fine, but then when I would walk through the door realize that I had been gone. I think this last time I came through the door she just looked at me and then went back to what she was doing though. I was kind of heart broke.... There are other times though where she's okay with others talking to her and sometimes even touching her, but she'll just give them the stare down in Mama's arms. But if it's someone she doesn't know... you can't even touch her hand. Don't even try it. Last Sunday I was able to leave her in Nursery at church from the get go. By the end she was ready for me. They said she screamed every so often. They just had to keep her busy. So we're making progress. (Today I am at work from bell to bell, so we'll see how she did at Mama Lily's.)
  • Throwing Things on the Floor - If she's not interested in it anymore, then it's ready for the floor. I don't play this game for long.....
  • Forming Language - She's a talker. She can be loud. She's a singer too. I know she's saying real things though, I just don't understand them yet. Because there are times when I say something like "all done" or "night night" or "Bullet" and she'll repeat it. She comprehends. And she's forming it all in her mind. Sometimes it just doesn't come out clear enough for me to understand it.
  • Sleep - Still not sleeping through the night, but that's because she's breastfed and I am a comfort object. I bet once we have the crib up again, or better yet, her own room (!!!), she'll be sleeping through the whole night.
  • Solid Food - She can now eat ALL things! Her favorites are: avocado, fruit loops, grapes, spicy chicken enchiladas, and macaroni.
  • Play - She likes to play with the cabinet doors, and now get into them. It's the tupperware... She'll pretend to cook like Mommy. She also plays "Peek a Boo" with socks, except that when she hides, the socks end up behind her head instead of in front. I clearly see her, but I pretend for her sake. :) She likes to read books herself. And of course, anything Luke has is fair play too. Oh, and I forgot to mention earlier - she'll try to climb to get stuff. And she has no fear of trying to get down either. It won't be long before she is getting up and down from the couch.
  • Nap Time - Every once in a while Mila will take a morning nap, but most of the time it's for 1.5-2 hours at around 4:30 pm. Wahoo for something consistent!
  • Dancing - I mentioned somewhere that she likes music. She bops up and down, sqatting her legs. She will be a little dancer like Mommy! <I squeal in delight!>
  • Humor - She thinks she's funny. I can pretend laugh and she'll mimic me with her most fake, white girl laugh. Gosh, I love her!
I HAVE to put these pictures on here. All day, all I could do was look at the pictures on my phone. There are so many I haven't been able to share. People would be overwhelmed with how photogenic and gorgeous she is. Consider that a warning; here they are.

 A Special Photoshoot by Mommy

Mila in Her Tutu
(She was clapping and yelling at Bullet) 

<3 One of My Favorites <3

All of the above were taken for her First Birthday Invites. She was 11 months old and I took them in our front yard by the apple tree gate. She only smiled because Bullet was outside. She kept screaming at him. He is her puppy. Haha! 
Mila's First Pony (Almost 1 Year)
Watching "Life of Pets" with Papa

These next pictures were taken at the Overland Park Arboretum yesterday. It was my first "day off" from cleaning/prepping the house, from library work, and just a day to rest in general, and then my mom invited us to go to something like a botanical garden. It was boring and hot as all get out, but I got some good photos out of it. Mila behaved well and liked the flowers anyways.

Striking a Pose
(My Delicate Flower...) 

Mom taking more pictures of cheesy stuff she'll never use....


The Cuteness!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Birthday Blah Blah

I'm not too ecstatic about Mila's birthday.
It's not right that I have to put off celebrations to cater to the schedules of others. To the point where it may have to be celebrated in a different month entirely. And also, that those who claim to love her obviously don't care too much about her because then they would know that this is a huge milestone and would shower her in gifts, yet they didn't get even one. It's not about YOU on HER birthday. SHE gets the attention. I thought that this birthday etiquette was understood. But here I am on a venting overload.

Mila, know that I tried to get you a big birthday. I tried to go all out. I had the plans. It was going to be a "Ruffles & Bows" themed party. I had the outfit (and backups) picked out for you. I would have even attempted to do special frosting on the cake myself - ruffles! I had the invite. It came down to the date, time and place.
Can't have it at home (which is where I really wanted to have it) because the grounds need to stay clean for the sale and for the house going on the market. Also can't have it for long because it's a "distraction". Can't have it at the park because it's hot. Can't have it at the pool because there wouldn't be any food. Can't have it at the church because they've already done so much for me, and I would feel expected to decorate. But I can't decorate because it could also be considered a "distraction" and we need to save for a house.
I'm so sorry Mila. You are my baby girl, my sassy pants, my princess. I wanted to have this big, extravagant thing and I was, honestly, let down.

Here's how it went: I had to work, so while I was gone Luke and Daddy got up and blew up balloons for you. Luke really wanted you to have a surprise when you woke up. When I got home I was super excited about you opening your presents, but Daddy made us eat lunch first. After lunch and ice cream, you opened your gifts from us. You weren't even dressed up yet, but that's okay. We couldn't wait! Luke gave you a fun, pink and purple piano and a Minion microphone that sings a Minion-version of "Barbara Ann". It's about bananas. This is right now your favorite song. <3 Daddy and I gave you a barn puzzle that talks. Luke also made you a homemade Pokemon book.
Grammy called and was slightly bummed that you already opened your gifts and so we re-packaged them, dressed you in a cute outfit, and decorated your chair for when it was cupcake time. You re-opened your gifts. They were just as great as the first time around. You didn't want to sit in your seat (it was close to nap time) - but you were okay once you saw the candle, which Luke accidentally blew out in demonstration.
You poked the cupcake frosting. Once it was on both hands, you tried to wipe it off... with your hands... and you got angry because it was messy. So I forced some frosting in your mouth. You spit it out. I put some more in and you just weren't having it. Daddy said you might be like him and not like sweets. (I know that's not true because you can sense when I am eating chocolate.....) So I gave you some of the cupcake portion without frosting. You didn't care for it either. Cupcakes were a bust. You were more interested in these flavorless teething treats. And that was it. Blaaahhhhhhhhh....

Selfie with the Birthday Girl

 Not Too Sure

 Trying to Share.
Trying to Help.
Trying to Trick You, But It Didn't Work.

Mila Likes Her Music

Friday, August 5, 2016

Worst Week Ever

Maybe it's been two weeks, I'm not really sure - the days are beginning to blend. I typed this all out once already. It was cranky. It was tired and worn. It was venting. It was the honest truth. Yet, I still (even if nobody ever reads this) want to keep my family members in good light. Out of all the times I feel as if my husband or I have been misrepresented, I just can't speak ill of people... because I want others to get their own impressions, not base it on someone else's ideas and thoughts.

All in all, my lesson for this week is: Actions speak louder than words. And eventually, the truth will come out.

  • It started with mom putting the house on the market and wanting to have a huge estate sale. Everything goes. Except what she can fit in the 3rd garage. I would be better help if I knew what she wanted to keep (she is keeping a lot of - what I would label as - junk) and also, if Mila wasn't so clingy. Of course, when mom needs me, Mila is sick or teething or not sleeping at night or dealing with separation anxiety because I worked the night before.
  • Our 7th Year Anniversary was in the middle of all of this. Aldo works crazy schedule hours, and so to celebrate we went to World's of Fun with the youth. He insisted I go this year because I've missed the last 2 or 3. I got burnt. Baaaaad. At the time it didn't feel like anything, and I pasted on the sunscreen repeatedly, but it seems the older I get, the less the sunscreen works. My skin was baked at the end of the day. Like a juicy, ripe tomato. So on top of Mila not sleeping, I couldn't sleep from the fact that I couldn't get comfortable. Lack of sleep = Lack of motivation to do anything.
  • We didn't get our mortgage loan approved. Apparently we don't have enough credit lines.
  • We haven't received any info on our credit card request. That was supposed to take 24 hours. It's been weeks.
  •  And last, like the cherry on top of it all, when I go to church, and yes, still without my husband which is a crummy deal all in itself and now without my mom or sis, I can barely stay for worship. It is a struggle to hear the message because Mila wants what she wants and I can't leave her alone in nursery because it is overflowing with kids and she's needy. Somehow I'm the only one that can communicate with her. Others can barely last an hour, if that. When Mila cries... She doesn't wear out. There's no consoling her unless you know the one thing she wants. So needless to say, Sundays have been warfare. Additionally, the leadership want to have a Sunday night service. I'm all for it, but I keep asking myself - what can I do? I have nothing to give. My Sundays have been taken. My early morning devotions by myself have been taken (it's the only time I can do any work because Mila is asleep). I'm worn.
So I'm holding out for this sale. Hopefully things go more smoothly when the house gets listed officially. I will continue to hold my tongue even in disagreement. I will push through at church and maybe even wake up earlier in the morning. God and Me Time has to be a priority. It just has to.

I'll end with this - and I'm sorry this is so random - People make mistakes. I'm trying the best I can. <3

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Today has been rough.

Start time.

This morning I was bothered with how much hurt there is in the world. I looked at my son and looked at my daughter and thought how much I love them and how I am determined to raise them to be mighty and stand out. Anyway, I won't go into too many details. The reoccurring thought was long ago I decided "I won't be a statistic." Statistics say children of divorce are more likes to get divorced when they're older. Eh... We'll see about that. Aldo, we're going on 7 years and I haven't itched or budged, in fact we're more in love ...

5 Minutes. Restart Time.

... We're more in love and in sync and continue to want to grow together more than ever before. That's just one thing. Another thing was the cancer testimony. A lot of people get fearful and depressed when they find out bad news. I'm going to admit this, and don't think I'm being harsh, but it felt OK and I had peace, and although it seems morbid, we even joked around. Are we insensitive? No. Are we just that type of people to joke around when times get rough? No, not entirely I don't think. We just had a peace that seriously passes all understanding. Another event wi ...

5 Minutes. Restart Time.

Another event will be this purchasing a house. A lot of times people get frustrated and it's a rough move. Financial troubles or decisions cause arguments. Worry takes over. Things like this cause divorce, and strife among families, etc. I just go back to, "I won't be a statistic." I believe it's time to stand up and stand out and change the culture. Whatever society says - home buying is a difficult thing - It's going to be reversed and better. Whatever is meant to tear us apart is actually going to bring us together, 110%. Anyways, morning thoughts.
Mila slept in a little bit, but it wasn't a surprise because we went to bed late. Well, when she woke up she had spit all around her. It was clear and bubbly. (A little descriptive ...

Oops... Forgot to Restart Time. 5 Minutes.

Oh, I guess I did. 3 something and counting.

Sorry if I'm being too descriptive but you need to know I wasn't worried because it seemed like not at all alarming. We go about our usual day. Then, she spits up spit again, this time a little mucousy but still clear. Strange. Later I think she might be hungry so I breastfeed her.

5 Minutes. Restart Time.

She stops when she's done and a milk stream exits her mouth. (This has happened before, so still nothing unusual.) But when I sit her up she SPEWS. And it was A LOT. Like everything she just drank. I let Aldo know and he said to check to see if she had paper or something stuck on her tongue... Could be gag reflex. Nothing. Maybe teething? She does have one coming in on bottom. And she wouldn't let me check her mouth either....
So I go about as usual still, but keeping a close eye on her. I wanted to go to the library to print some stuff for our home buying, so we can be ready for the banks and getting "pre-approved".

5 Minutes. Restart Time.

<crosses fingers>. At this point I can tell Mila isn't feeling the greatest, so I'll be weary on feeding her liquids or over feeding her. We go to the library. I'm printing and keeping track of how much this is going to cost. And she's getting antsy in her car seat so I'm passing her a teething ring, and my car keys which she likes sometimes, and ok, maybe we'll try a snack puff or two. Almost done, but really antsy, so I'll take her out and hold her. Needs to roam, so I let her crawl a tiny bit. I pick her back up because we're almost done and she pukes. All over my shoulder and I catch some in my hands and get her to the trash can where she continues to heave. Poor baby. This is the time when you star...

5 Minutes. Restart Time. <sigh>

You start questioning whether or not you're a good parent.
So, I tell the librarians, get my stuff packed up, and get Luke and Mila out of there. I call ASK-A-NURSE (Which is one of the best resources out there. I know if I'm feeling worried, they'll let me know what's what). They tell me to go to urgent care for her. I can make the walk-in clinic at the doctors' so I book it!

5 Minutes. Plug in phone cuz battery is low. Restart time. Check Mila for temperature. 

Alright before the doctor comes in, all of a sudden the waiting room smells like eggy, dead skunk. I'm thinking it was just gas. But think stink isn't going away, so I check ...

5 Minutes. Restart time.

I check her diaper. Oh boy, it's bad. The doctor comes in and says that confirms it - Mila has gastroenteritis. I looked it up... It's a contagious stomach bug. But do you know how to cure it? Let it run its course and make sure the baby doesn't get dehydrated. How do I do that? Every 5 minutes for 4 hours (from 6:00pm til 10:00pm) I have to suck exactly 14mL of Pedialyte into a dropper that only measures to 10... And give it to Mila. And continue monitoring her temperature and wet/dirty diapers. After the 4 hours I can reintroduce breastmilk. Then after 24 hours I can reintroduce solids.

Did I restart time? Yes. 6 Seconds. And.... We're done for now. 

I was a human whatever-the-machine-is-at-hospitals-that-makes-sure-you-aren't-dehydrated-by-giving-you-liquids-in-a-tube. I was that. And it was hard. And tiring. Thank goodness Mila was in a cuddly and "I'm still cute" mood. Aldo and my mom both got home right as we were finished. I tried breastfeeding her later and we waited some time to make sure it went down. All seems ok.
This morning at 5am, she had a gnarly diaper again and puked at the same time. Aldo thought it might be a reflex from using all those muscles. But then she puked again at 8. And it was A LOT. I caught it in a hand towel.
So what are we doing now? Laying in bed. Watching. Making sure she doesn't throw up 3 times in a 4 hour period. I'm doing the "Rule of 20s". Feed 1oz of breastmilk and see if she can keep it down after 20 minutes, and gradually increase. Hey, did you know that gastroenteritis can last a few days????? <sad face.> Poor baby Mila.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Tennessee Calling

(Almost 11 Months)

So back and rested from camp, what has happened? A lot actually. We had the fourth of July celebration at Cam's house. And we have a new friend from camp that we are claiming into our big church family - Josh.

And we had debated beforehand if I was going to go back to work at the library. But decided we wouldn't discuss more until July. Well we discussed it, and figured out that going back on Wednesday and one Saturday a month would be ok, as well as continuing to work on Thursdays. Tuesday is a possibility. BUT.... something else happened.
Mom brought a real estate agent to the house. She's about ready to list the house. There's a few minor things she has to do beforehand - trim the trees and mulch the front. She could get that done in the next week. So our schedule to find a home has been moved up. The real estate agent said that the place would sell quick. Our timeline is 2 months (by October)!

Her plans are to move to Tennessee and live in a tiny home. :(
So all yesterday I looked at houses that we might be able to afford. Or different ways to buy us time or save money. Different ways to make it work. It's going to be strange without mom around. And not living in a basement. Being ON OUR OWN for real. It's time though, I guess. We've been here since Luke was 4 months old (that'll be 6 years in September). It'll be strange not having a Grammy around. Maybe this is a new season to get closer to Dad, or to his Abuelito and Mama Lily? And it breaks my heart to think that Mateo and Mila won't get to know Grammy like Luke does. Crazy new seasons!!

One thing Aldo and I agreed on last night was that this process - although others have gone through it and have gotten in fights about various things and it's caused divorces, etc. - that it's going to be fun for us. And we'll grow together. Lord showed me His provision all through camp and that He steers things, He can surely do this. I remember things being backward or opposite when Aldo had his surgery. Instead of scared, we felt peace. And during our marriage, it's been sort of opposite - we might have had one argument, but it's been seven years at the end of July and I haven't "itched" at all. We love each other more. And I can read his mind. He has yet to read mine. But he's not tired of trying. So I feel like with buying our first home, it will be opposite than what the norm is. As I said from early on.... I won't be a statistic. We're going to stand out.

Mila Eating Like a Big Girl! 
She looooves spaghetti.

I've figured out that it's hard to get any picture other than Mila because when I am not holding her is the time I am able to take the picture... and I'm always holding her. When a time comes when someone offers to take a picture of the family, you take it. I try to get pictures of the two kids together. And of even Aldo and the kids. Nobody thinks to take pictures with me in them!!! HA! So here are our 4th of July pics. Enjoy!

*~ Buying our Fireworks ~*
(They offered to take our pic with the big blow up monkey. IT WASN'T EVEN THAT MEMORABLE! LOL)

Happy on the 4th