Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Birthday Weekend

I shall be positive today and write about the great weekend I spent with my family. (Yes, that is a little sarcastic as I didn't get to go to the zoo like I wanted.)

Friday, Luke and I spent all day with my mom. She was making curtains for her camper while we put all of the pictures I have taken in order and in albums. Mom and Maecy left for the weekend, so Aldo and I had a relaxing time in the house, eating Italian take-out and watching movies. Saturday, Aldo encouraged me to pick something to do, so we went to the Irish Fest, but by the time we got there most everything was over. (Also, I think you're supposed to drink when you go to Irish Fest, as there's not much else to do besides...)
Sunday, we went to church and spent time at his parents' house. Monday we were supposed to go to the zoo. They have a new polar bear that I was excited about. I absolutely love the zoo, no matter how much walking, how hot, or which one.Well, that didn't happen. Instead we kind of ran a lot of errands... checked out internet services, took out a van load of trash, bought some groceries, etc. And spent almost the entire night at a friend's house. Luke was wide awake... watching their little one-year old boy. And the one-year old kept coming over to "be nice" to the baby... It was really cute.

So today, I was hooking up the internet and we still have no signal. Why did we choose to live on a farm? I'm starting to miss our apartment...
I'm ready to go home and cuddle up with my hubby and Booger and maybe watch some Kung Fu Panda (as that's the one movie Luke kind of watches and falls asleep to).
So long birthday! Here's to another year.

He's turning into such a slobber monster. And likes sucking on his fist as much as a bottle! 
Not really into the chupie any more.

Flying around calms him down too...

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