Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Two Months of Updates

Trimester 1 - Week 9

It's been busy.

I didn't mention this in the last post, but it should be a continuation... he was pushed out of his job as manager. While it absolutely sucked that the company used him like they did, in a round-about way it was a good move for us because now he is selling bedroom sets and furniture like nobody's business and making that dough... for us to afford the house comfortably and get our emergency fund back in place.

I took on some more hours at work as well, and with that more responsibility. (This was before I knew I was pregnant.) And so now, I spend a lot of my time researching and putting together displays. I thought I was just going to be a chump person - the one that pulls the books and makes a sign or something, but nope.... I pretty much do it all. And so now there is hardly any down time. Right now I should honestly be putting together some non-fiction end caps, but I decided to catch up on here today. I want to keep these memories, you know?
And I don't get much done around the house either because morning sickness (mostly nausea) has just been hitting me like crazy. It's all day too. Ugh. I hate it. I've tried Emetrol, sea bands, ginger ale, pregnancy pops, avoiding certain foods and snacking throughout the day. Nothing works completely. The feeling is always in the back of my throat or the back of my chest. So I'm really looking forward to our first doctor's appointment on Thursday.
The house is overwhelmingly big. I have the basics unpacked. I haven't cleaned the hardwood floor since we moved in, so there's boot prints still going throughout the house... and it's because I haven't unpacked the cleaning supplies to do it. Energy level = zero. BUT, I do have motivation to get things together and done, house decorated, etc. because I opened my mouth and offered to host a baby shower for Maecy. She's due in late April/early May (May 1st) with baby boy #2.

Luke is enjoying school. He's glad to be back with his friends. He also likes the house. Although Mila gets into his room all the time and messes it up. Eventually we'll have his room in place too. Poor kid has a tub in his closet full of toys. We just need a lot of shelving.
Lately he's been working on riding his new bike that he got for Christmas (without training wheels!). We had his first crash on pavement the other day. He cried and squinted his eyes in pain for a while, but wanted to get back on the bike the next day. Except it's been really windy lately. And he's not the best at balancing and turning at the same time (the longest pedal he had, I thought he was going to go straight into the woods), so adding wind isn't probably the greatest idea.

 Riding His Bike with Grammy's Coaching

Mila Trying to Impress Big Brother

She's learning that "Mommy's the boss. Daddy's the big boss. And Luke and Mila are monkeys." She challenges me every day. But at the same time she's so cuddly. While it was cold out, we've just been watching movies together and/or she's on my phone on Youtube watching these play-dough movies in Chinese. Where does she find this stuff? But since it's warmed up a bit, she likes going outside and looking for Max (dog from Secret Life of Pets). Luke's supposed to look for Chloe, the cat. I'm just glad they're getting some sunshine.

Yay! We have a slide!
Where's Max?

More to come as I take pictures I guess. I'll make a point to do that.