Everyone asks me... what's new with Luke? I feel I answer the same thing every time. Something with him getting bigger. Or eating a new food. That's about all he does.
Well, here's the new. I've been trying to use sign language around the house ever since I heard our church nursery uses it with the toddlers. The kids have to eat at the table and "say" please and thank you in order to get their snack or toy. Luke has no idea what the please and thank you mean yet, but I've also been motioning "come here" before I pick him up. A few days ago, Luke was in his bed and was cranky crying. I went into his room and when he saw me, he stretched out his hands. I don't know yet if he's learned the motion.. or if his hands were just waving about. I like to think it was on purpose. :)
I've also been trying to point at things for him to look at. He gets as far as my finger.
That is so cool you're trying to teach Luke sign language!! I babysit a little girl who uses sign language. It's SO MUCH easier to understand what she wants. And you do look like Anne Hathaway!!!