Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's Like Some Sad Song

Aldo had a schedule change at work, so we had to make some changes at home... who watches Luke and when. He will now be staying with Abuelita on Tuesdays and Wednesdays all day long. (This is instead of just Thursdays).

In a way it's good because Luke will have a better opportunity to learn Spanish. And I'll have time to clean the house, buy groceries, and go to the bank. But I just feel horrible. Today I didn't know what to do with myself because my entire day revolves around Luke. It's like some sad lyrics to a depressing song. And nobody listens to those because they just make you further depressed...

And we're just getting to the point where he might be crawling any day. He turns 5 months old tomorrow you know... Here's looking to Thursday.

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