He didn't like them. I figured he would... that was my craving when I was pregnant. I'm thinking though, it might just be the baby food. (It didn't smell very good.) Also, we didn't even leave the house Halloween. Luke was so upset from cutting teeth. I had to make a Walmart run for the teething tablets. Of course, they didn't have them... so I bought some Baby Orajel hoping it would work. It is a mommy's best friend! Luke konked out! Poor baby. And now he has this horrible runny nose and when he's upset he'll start coughing.
Luke also helped Grammy this weekend get ready for her sale at the booth and has been watching my sister and I prepare for the November Consumed Youth Conference. We joined the drama team and practice our dance like crazy. He kind of enjoys it. ...I really don't know... but I imagine he does because he actually watches us and sometimes even bangs his hand on the tabletop or his leg with the music. What a sweetie. He is such a mama's boy. :O)
My sister has also been taking pictures of Luke for her photography class. The topic is portrait. My idea would've been maybe like a family portrait that I could use for Christmas or something. Because I really need one. But she chose just Luke. And wrapped him as a gift. I'll leave on that note.
Hahahaha! These pictures are so stinking cute!! I REALLY love the third picture of Luke eating peaches. That is the funniest expression!
ReplyDeleteThanks for attempting to watch the video. It is definitely not very work appropriate. LOL!