To future parents, be prepared! Make sure the bottoms are on all the way, block yourself, and be quick! And, don't feel bad if something happens. Kids are gross and always will be. There's just nothing you can do about it. I'm waiting for the day Luke has to go to school or somewhere public and he's sent home because he did something (like forget to put on underwear... etc.).
Anyway, today was mostly spent putting together photo albums. Played with Luke for a little bit. I don't know... lately all he's been wanting to do is stare at the mobile above his crib. So today I purposely put him on our bed and played with him there. He didn't roll over today; he was actually getting kind of upset about it. But I managed to snap a few good pictures.
Luke has been doing his "Ajua" now. It was this thing I got off of Zorro. It's probably the one Spanish thing I'll ever teach him pronounced correctly. Anyway, it's like a superhero fist in the air and he's been doing it in his bed when he watches his Winnie the Pooh circle round and round.
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