Wednesday, August 18, 2010

History Lessons

So my husband recently started his new job with the school district as an ESL teacher. The other day he was describing how he might have to catch kids up in certain subjects that they are behind in, as well as help them with English in all classes. The topic quickly changed when I mentioned that I need to go back to 5th in History. He asks me, "Okay, what year was this country founded?" Here's the rest of our conversation.

Me: Um, I don't know. 
Him: Come on hon.
Me: The seventh day! When God made man and he found it!
Him: Really? Adam and Eve were here?
Me: YES!
Him: Adam and Eve were HERE?
Me: Oh wait. No. Ok. So when the indians or whoever were here.
Him: Babe! I'm going to pretend you are joking. Alright, it's the same year as when the Declaration of Independence was written.
Me: See. That's what I'm talking about. I don't know!
Him: It's 1776. What day?
Me: I don't know.
Him: When's Independence Day?
Me: July 4th. But that's not right. It was signed before then.
Him: You're right. It started July 2nd.

More babbling...

Him: Do you know what the Pilgrims came over on?
Me: Of course! The SUNflower!
Him: (Laughing) The MAYflower.
Me: (Laughing) See I told you. I need to go back to at least 5th grade. They can teach me all this over again. I don't even know when Christopher Columbus discovered the U.S.!
Him: Um, it wasn't the U.S.
Me: Yes it was!
Him: No, it wasn't.
Me: Yes it was! It was... oh wait... South America... Ok fine.
Him: Do you know what he sailed over on?
Me: ...ermmm... the Santa Maria?
Him: YES! And the other two ships?
Me: The pinto....
Him: Pinta.
Me: ...and the Nee-na.
Him: The Neen-ya.
Me: Whatever.

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