Regarding my 3 Month Old:
- It's obvious breastfeeding was going to have an effect on my body, but I didn't realize everything it encompasses. So rather than repeat myself on "soreness/tenderness", "leaking", "engorgement", I'll start with something you wouldn't think of - scratches. Like pins and needles. My little one abuses me before bed. While she nurses, she hits and grabs, and it's always on my boob. And watch out if you didn't trim her nails because those things will catch on your skin and dig! I've come up with a solution... Let her hold your finger. After several repeat beatings I did this and was like - Uh-duh!
- Breastfeeding also causes fatigue. They really do suck the energy out of you. And so Yay! I just read you can eat more frequently and/or more calories. I was seriously questioning why I was eating so much, well there you have it.
- You don't have a period. Say what?! How did I not know this? I think we have failed as a society in not informing our children.
- She's more "attached" to me. She has slept longer with us in our bed than Luke. And she finds more comfort in me holding her than Aldo or Grammy. It's kind of sad. Kind of depressing... In another "Oh, gosh! I'm going to have to wean her" kind of way.
Regarding my 5 Year Old:
- He just told me the other day that he didn't want to go to Cabela's to see Santa because he's not the real Santa. Oh man! It starts... He told me there's only one real Santa and a lot of pretend Santa's. So this year we are writing the North Pole. Luke has asked for "all of the transformers he is missing". And for Mila he asked for a golden dress. I wonder what Santa's response will be. But more importantly, who brought this to his attention? I knew he would learn things from the school kids... It's either them or Grammy. And as a parent, how long before you let your child know the truth?
- Going along with that subject of things they learn at school, did you know they begin to talk to kids about "proper" and "improper touches", and also boys' and girls' body parts in Kindergarten. I was honestly kind of surprised. But at the same time, these are the kinds of things parents need to talk to their kids about - as protectors and guardians...
Well, now I'm on a solemn note. Parenting.
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