I enjoyed watching the games, and wearing my comfortable blue hoodie (because you know I'm s jeans and hoodie type of girl), but I'm glad the World Series is over. Royals won. We're the 2015 champs. Yesterday more than 800,000 people wenljohght to downtown by Union Station to cheer on the team and hear their thank-you speeches. School was cancelled. Some places of business closed down too. Not Nebraska Furniture Mart though. And I didn't quit being a mom of a five-year-old and newborn, and I didn't suddenly get bold enough to drive in Missoiri among the crowd by myself. So.... We stayed home. Aldo worked. We watched a few hours of it and did other stuff. I think Grammy would be proud that I participated and didn't go all out bonkers. I guess had sheuxgel been here she would have sat in her rocker and I would be on the floor with the kids watching the parade at her house. So all in all, I stayed true to myself.
Somehow I managed to get the bathroom clean and our room picked up some, the laundry done, floors swept and mopped, and living room clean. I don't know if I mentioned this but we've been on a cleaning schedule. So many schedules! There's Luke's school schedule, his meal options for lunch, our white board with Aldo's work schedule and all doctor appointments and church events and holidays and birthdays, my food planning schedule, and now this! (My English teacher would die if he saw that run on sentence. I've also noticed I'm very bracket-happy tonight...) With every major change in our lives we've had to find balance with the home stuff. Less movies, who cleans what, rest on Tuesday, nope... Rest in Wednesday, wake up at this time, go to bed at this time, let the house go.
It seems crazy to have all of these schedules and things, but that's what I have to do to organize all the information and not miss a thing.
Let's get back to the kids though.
Mila's milestones:
- She has found her hands! Of course she sucks on them. It's adorable. Her left is her favorite, and I wonder if she's going to be a leftie at times. But now she reaches out her hands to grab my face. My mouth mostly. She likes when I say "mama" or "Mila". The other day she even reached for her giraffe toy with the stretchy neck.
- We moved up to size 2 in diaper. (She wore Newborns for like a week. And we never bought any more because size 1 fit just fine.) Her thick little legs have been getting red marks because the diapers were tight, so I finished off the 1's and moved her up a size. Now I have to really make sure the top is tight; I'm afraid poopie might go right up and out. And there's a lot of hang... She is certainly not a boy.
- And the sad part.... We put up the crib. It's easy enough to put her down in it while we're awake, whether before bed or for a midday nap. But when I have to get up to feed her in the middle of the night, once I bring her back to our bed to feed her... It's like once I'm down, I'm down. So half the night she still sleeps with us. And what's weird is, I'll start on my side almost off the bed... And I don't know how it happens but when I wake up, I'm in the middle pushing Aldo up against the cold wall and Mila's tucked in on the other side. Hmmm...
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