Tuesday, May 5, 2015

My Darling, Flower

We have a name. I thought of it the other day, but wasn't sure because I didn't look up the meaning yet. So this morning I looked it up. It means in Slavic "industrious" or "hard-working" and in Russian (my personal choice) "my darling" or "dear one". I asked Aldo how he felt about it and he liked it. It's the first one that he said he liked as a first name. It's the only name that he didn't say - I DON'T NOT LIKE IT. Which basically means, it sucks. Or I HAVE TO GET USED TO IT. Which means it's not the one. He told me to put it on the board… like what we did for Luke. Instead for the rest of the morning I looked up middle names that would go with it, during which he asked, "What middle name would go with it? Something with a vowel?" Honestly it was a bit of a struggle. You know, you look at syllables, meanings, the way it rolls off the tongue and flows, if your family can pronounce it, if you can use it to discipline, if the acronym isn't horrible, if there are a possibility of bad nicknames… And as I was searching I thought of one. I told Aldo, and he also liked it. Really liked it. He thought it was sweet and perfect. And I said, it's it. And he said, "It's it?" And I said yes. This is the name. We got it.

So we are proud to announce, the name of our daughter...
Mila Rose Alvidrez

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