Monday, February 2, 2015

Baby, This is Your Brother

13 Weeks, 5 Days (almost 14 Weeks)

Thought you would like to know a little bit about your brother.

He's a bit crazy. But then again, we all kind of are. 
Daddy makes these awesome faces that I think Luke has inherited. 
But he has my humor. He's really funny.
He likes birthdays, playing games, playing with toys, playing outside, helping with things like cooking or feeding animals. I think you'll have a lot of fun together. He's very entertaining. And photogenic as you can see - but that's just genes. You'll be photogenic too. Prepare for a ton of pictures.

Recently he's been taking swimming lessons. I'm pretty sure he plans on teaching you how to swim, among other things - in no significant order… riding bikes, saying words, pointing out which foods taste really good, how to clean your room, how to walk, maybe telling you some stories, how to fight (you can gang up on Daddy, so it will be "how to be the good guy"), and other important things in life.

Luke is very creative. He gets that artistic side from me. And he's imaginative. I think you two will have many adventures together, make-believe and real.
He'll also teach you about right and wrong. You don't know it, but when this picture was taken, he wrote his name on the couch in Sharpie too. That is bad. Writing on yourself, eh… maso menos… not too bad depending on if you have somewhere to go. Writing on library books - also bad. Writing or coloring on a coloring book - good. You'll figure it out.

And finally, I don't think he'll show favoritism if you are a boy or a girl. He'll play dress up with you if you're a girl. He'll play dress up with you (as a ninja turtle or whatever) if you're a boy. His favorite color used to be pink and purple, but it's changed to green. (Actually I think it changes daily, but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.) This picture can also be used as blackmail if you need it for the future. Only if necessary though. Don't just go and embarrass him in front of his girlfriend or friends. You don't need to be the awnry child.

I must also mention a warning… Grammy will teach you a lot of things, and let you do/get away with a lot of things (She will let you eat dirt, teach you to say things… can't think of anything specifically now, but there will be times… and make you pose in front of a camera when you may regret it later). To be fair, this is a picture of Luke in one of Maecy's old Halloween outfits. He would go from Mermaid to Merman by changing that top to a belt. But he's very particular - he likes things how they are supposed to be, so he stuck with mermaid. And I quote, "because they are MADE by God."

He's a good brother. And he already cares a lot for you. He prays for you, he tells you to stop making Mommy not feel so good (… "and sorry for having to tell you to stop"…). He's thinking up names for you. So far we have Soa, which sounds like soda. He said Yella once, but decided against it because he doesn't want you to yell all of the time. There were more, some he couldn't even pronounce. But I hope that you are friends for life and beyond. That you help each other out. And speak rightly to and about each other. I love you.

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