Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Mom Thinks I'm A Hypochondriac

So ever since I've been pregnant, it's been basically one thing after another. First, I was sick all the time to the point where all I could eat was chicken noodle soup or Lean Cuisines. And then I'd get motion sickness in the car. After the first trimester passed those disappeared and I started to have dizzy spells, one WITH my mom and sister right there beside me! A little later after that I had this one really bad night where I could not sleep on my left arm. I cried and cried it hurt so bad. It felt like someone took a piece of metal and crammed it straight down the center of my bone. Aldo tried to rub it out, but that didn't work. I finally took a Tylenol and he warmed up a towel for me and luckily I fell asleep to that. In the morning it was sore, but not as bad as the night before. We ended up mentioning this to his mom and she said it sounded like rheumatism. Explanation: going from cold to hot to cold back and forth too quickly. The bone and muscle get cold, but then the muscle warms up faster and the bone is still cold, thus hurting.

Now, by no means do I think my husband is a medical expert, but this made sense. I was working at a Christmas tree farm at the time in those exact conditions. And, he said that my body is more sensitive because I am pregnant. Also makes sense. Well, I was asking for it when I told mom. She rolled her eyes and asked if I'm really suffering from all of these things or am I just making it up...

Last night the "rheuma" came again. Neck, shoulder, arm, elbow, all the way to the wrist on my left side. My mom must think I'm a wimp. But it seriously hurts!

Til tomorrow,

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