Yesterday Luke was in his first Christmas play. His part was one of the kids in the classroom. He had a few lines he shared with the other kids... "FRANKENSTEIN?!".... No. Frankincense. And he also sang "Joy to the World" in the microphone. The rest of the time he kind of stood there moving his lips and didn't do the movements too big. I think he got a little stage fright. But I was proud of him.
Daddy & Son Gingerbread House
Christmas Play @ CenterPointe (with friend, Ember Cubbage)
Today Mila is officially 18 weeks old. Doesn't sound like much, but I looked it up and there are a lot of big achievements in four months.
- She rolled over. I mean really rolled. One minute I had her on the blanket on her back, and the next minute she was in Luke's stuff a couple feet over. So now she can go from back to front (which she's been doing) and front to back, mostly in one direction though. I'll have to test that out.
- She recognizes Grammy's face, and Luke's face, and now (finally!) Daddy's face. She actually smiled at Daddy tonight. Outside I didn't make a big deal, but inside I was ecstatic! Finally! Finally! Finally! Is she a Daddy's girl? I know it would mean the world to him. And melt his heart.
- Here's something I just read:
That's Mila for sure! Never wants to nap. Wants held, wants a toy, wants my food, wants to sit, wants my drink, wants to sit further, wants to play with her feet, wants her diaper changed after piddle... *sigh* ... Girl just knows what she wants.At this age, your baby is sleeping less, and she's awake for longer periods of the day. She's anxious to learn about her world and family, and she may not always be interested in your choice of game. If she turns her head and looks away, she's declaring she's ready to move on to something else. At only 11 weeks, she's got ideas of her own!
- I also read that she now understands that when I'm talking I'm speaking in syllables. Whoa, right?! And so the process of learning the language and sounds, constants and vowels begins.
- She ate some cereal. Did alright. She's more impressed with the flavor of lemonade, and refried beans, and Panera's broccoli cheddar soup. A tooth isn't too far off, but I haven't seen any signs of one yet.
More to come…
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