All things have now kind of leveled out. It's still unreal to me that we have a baby, but at least we're starting to figure things out.
Mila didn't have colic - she had a bit of gas, so we burped her better and watched how and in what position she drank from bottles. There were times when she would only drink the foamy top right after shaking a formula bottle, and I would especially burp her then. When it wasn't gas, she was just fighting a bit of sleep, so we would rock her, bounce her, wrap her, burp her, change position constantly, all to wear her out and get her through it.
Since then, she had a growth spurt, during which time she stopped drinking as much, also at which time I was on my menstrual cycle and didn't know it - both can cause a decrease in breastmilk supply. So we had a breastmilk supply scare. For two days I nursed, nursed, nursed and pumped, pumped, pumped in between. I was down to .5mL on each side. Now I'm at 2mL each (my guess because I'm hardly pumping, more trying to just nurse and not use formula). I should pump in between still to keep my supply up just in case though.
My birthday has also passed. It's crazy how time goes by. One minute you feel like you'll never mature (I'm now 20 in a 27 year old body) and the next you look around and realize you're as old as your parents and you've caught up to them because you now have the same amount of kids they have and you're music is now "oldies". Wow! As of late, mom has been out of town frequently so I've been taking care of the birds. Wake up at 6:30am, put on camo boots, open coop door, water in all buckets from the well faucet, let out the small birds in the corner who are separated at the moment and in that "transition" stage, feed them all outside (scoop laying brownish-grayish cracked-looking stuff, scoop corny pebble feed, and one scoop whole corn), feed small birds inside coop, let them all out and tie up rope, collect eggs. Today doing the chores (I'm also taking care of the dogs and a lame duck in the garage) I realized that when I was younger I didn't grow up on a "farm" per se. I vaguely remember pigs at my Grammy and Granddad's house. It was more of a "wildlife preserve" because my uncle raised cougars, peacocks, sugar gliders, etc. My other uncle had horses. My Grammy had her outside dogs and barn-full of raggedy old cats (I have no idea where they would come from) that seemed to never die. ... I'm getting away from the point I was trying to make... Anyway, today it occurred to me that both of my kids will be able to tell their children about the farm they grew up on. All thanks to my mother who we currently reside with. It was kind of a sweet thought. For a moment I felt privileged. Not all kids grow up on farms. I'd say a lot that I know grew up urban or inner-city, and it very well seems like that's where the world is leading toward. I thought of this picture I have of Luke when he's not yet one. He's sitting on the ground, right outside the chicken fence, attempting to feed the chickens with these measily handfuls of straw. I thought maybe someday I'll have a picture of Mila doing that exact same thing. And how many parents do I know have an original picture like that...? I've been planning a photo session, well two actually; a newborn photo session and one with the whole family in denim once Mateo arrives. All the poses and backgrounds whether baby or family are same old same old - people who declare how much they're city people take pictures in front of barns and in sunflower fields. Tell me how that explains anything memorable about your life (sorry for my brief moment of "hater" sarcasm). At least the picture of Luke in front of the fence, feeding the animals, meant something. And gosh do I dislike those dumb animals.
I'm trying to remember if something big happened lately that I'm just not recalling...
Sorry, my mind is blank. Maybe someday I'll be able to actually finish one of these blog entries on the same day I start. Difficult when you have an actual subject to talk about and then your train of thought gets interrupted and you forgot where you were going with it when you finally come back.
All in all, Mila is starting to recognize faces. Of course she knows my voice. She's smiling at my face. I love it! Has her favorite sleeping spots: my armpit in bed, under my neck, or in the swing. Luke is holding her more and more and the other day Daddy almost had Luke carry her to me by himself. Luke was nervous. It was the cutest thing! I think he thought he might drop her.
Time to go! When the little one wakes up, like that everything I'm doing stops and that's the end..
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