Luke is at Kindergarten Round-Up… at the same school I went to.
… the same school my mom and uncles went to. Weird.
He's been so excited to go to school. Real school. And to ride the bus. He told me the other day, "I want to go to school ALL DAY, and get my work DONE!" He is so smart. Such a love for learning. Today is his first day. I can't wait to ask him all about it. When we got there he held my hand while we walked down the sidewalk and in through the front doors. There were already families congregated around the entrance, so we stood for a little bit. There was a mom that introduced her kid to another kid right next to us. Luke jumped in and said to me, "Hey, I'm 4!" So I told him to tell the kids his name. He did. Maybe that put him at ease a little… I don't know. He seemed calm.
I had to sign some paperwork and the secretary is who I knew as the lunch detention lady. (She gave me a pink slip for yelling, "Food Fi!" I didn't even get the -ight out.) As I was doing the papers, Luke told her his first and last name, age, etc. It was cute. We were practicing some things on the 10-minute drive out.
Soon after the teachers announced they were ready and the doors opened. I took him to the door. They asked for his name and White, Chocolate, or Strawberry Milk. He told them everything. Luke Alvidrez, Strawberry. Little weirdo. I'll have to teach him chocolate is best.
We found his name on a desk. (Earlier he had asked if he would have a table and I said I didn't know. So to have a desk is exciting.) He put on his name tag and sat down. I told him to give me a kiss. He did. But then he stood up and gave me another and a big hug. That's when I could have cried, but didn't. I might in August. I told him I liked the room, that it looked like a fun place. He agreed. I told him to listen to his teachers. He said he would. And then I told him I would come back to pick him up in a little bit. (It's 2:40 pm right now and I'm like on the edge of my seat, ready to go pick him up… Round-Up is from 1:15 to 3:15… haha!) As I left, I kept looking back to see what he was doing. To see if he was watching me leave. Or talking. Looking around. I don't know…
He was just sitting there, straight and tall, about ready to color this paper in front of him - which of course, he didn't know the directions for, but he saw other people doing it. Maybe he asked for directions, maybe he didn't. Maybe he waited, maybe he didn't. Maybe he started talking to himself… I don't know. My boy is growing up… (maybe I'll cry now…)
Ready for "Big Boy School" - Kindergarten Round-Up
So now, looking at the dates - I thought that our family trip coming up might be a little tiring since there's Easter, then homeschool and prepping, youth camp planning, pregnancy, etc. - I am happy we are going on a family trip. Luke will be in school in August. Full time. This is the last time he won't be in school. From here on out, he'll spend much of his life with kids his age and someone else who's not his mom or dad. Eating food that wasn't prepared by a family member. Fixed up by a school nurse. Playing on playground equipment and stuff.
I will cherish our Family Trip 2015 and being his mommy. <3
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