Sunday we went to church of course. But then my sister volunteered me to join in the dramas for the upcoming Conference. Now I have to find time to practice those. Although I took dance for several years, I'm not like I once was... can't remember as much and I'm not as limber. So I started exercising in the mornings. Would rather not pull something.
Monday was Luke's Four Month Check-up! I figured it would be a quick in, get the new measurements, walk out. But noooo. He had to get his shots. And I wasn't aware. Well, for starters he was cranky because he was hungry. And I didn't know if you could feed a baby before shots or not, so I had to hold off. When the doctor came in, he said I could. So I fed him. During that quiet time the doc told me that Luke is now 15.4 lbs. and 25 and a half inches long. I guess that's pretty big. Apparently he still has reflux by the way he sounds congested and his nose runs all the time. To help with that we can start feeding him rice cereal with a spoon! And last, we can start putting Luke in the bouncer to help him further his development of his manly muscles and stuff. The doc also said we should prepare for him rolling/crawling. And if he gets irritated, he's probably teething.
Luke's first time in his bouncer.
Luke's first spoon-fed meal.
Today I took Luke to the Baby Storytime at the library. All of the other babies were older and could at least crawl. Poor Luke had to sit on my lap the entire time and play with only the toys I picked out. But he did enjoy the songs where we clapped or raised our hands. I think I'll sing the "chin, cheek, nose song" at home to him. Anyway, beforehand I fed him so he wouldn't interrupt the story for the other kids. I must have jiggled him around too much because he spit up three times! One, projectile across the library entry-way. Poor baby. Proof that he does have reflux. So starting today, he's going to be fed even less. 4 oz. buddy. Please don't be mad at me. I love you!
Oh, and p.s. He took the shots like a champ! I was feeding him the rest of his bottle and that mean nurse just jabbed him in both legs. He waited 10 seconds before he screamed at her, and then went back to his eating with the smallest tears in his eyes.
And this is because I just didn't load pictures fast enough...

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