Now for all the details. I was induced at 7:20am and I was already 3cm along. Immediately I started feeling contractions. I can't believe I was so worried I wouldn't know what they felt like. There is no way you can miss a contraction! The easiest way I can explain it, is that your stomach goes from a huge basketball shape to feeling like it's squeezed into a football shape. And it hurts. At 4cm I was thinking, If the pain stayed like this the whole time... I think I can make it. Of course, that's not half of what a 10cm contraction would feel like. I turned to Aldo and said, Honey, I think I'm gonna wimp out of this one. I think I'm gonna get the epidural. I got it about 30 minutes later. And thank goodness I did.
The next time the nurse came in, I was at 6cm. Then 8. And I started feeling contractions again. About the ones I was feeling in the beginning. So they gave me another dose of epidural. Woot! And then all of a sudden I was at 10! It felt like the whole thing took about an hour. The only time I had to do any real work was when I was pushing. My nurse had me start with her. I pushed two times and she asked me Would you like to know what his head looks like? I was in shock! I thought this was supposed to take like a bazillion hours before we were that close. I said Is it purple? Noo.. Hairy? She said he was gonna have a full head of hair. Awww.... (I never had a dream about him. Or any thoughts about what he might look like when he was born. But at this point, I knew he'd be a cutie.)
I pushed once at a "half push". And then one more full push and she called in the doctor. At that point she guessed he'd be out in an hour or two. Five pushes and 20 minutes later, Luke Anthony was born. So, pushing really isn't as bad as I thought either. It's exactly as what we went through in the class. They push your legs back and you hold onto them and put your chin on your chest and pretend to poo. Count for ten, take a deep breath and do it again and again. It's funny because I didn't feel his head come out or his shoulders. I felt the rest of his body. It was like suction. Hard to explain.
We were surprised with this on our door when we came home. Mom made it for us. I thought I wouldn't want my mom at the hospital with me, and I wouldn't want to be bothered at home the first couple days, but I'm glad she was around! I love my mom. The first night was a learning experience. It actually wasn't too bad now that I think about it. I was up every 2-3 hours feeding him. And we were trying to figure out the order of things. Now we have that down. When he wakes up, check the diaper. Feed. Burp. Try to feed again. Burp. Rock to sleep. Make sure there is no light, no noise, no cold. Otherwise you'll be up for hours. (He's got such a big personality.)
About a week later we had a checkup. He gained all his weight back and grew an inch and a half! At the same time he had eye crusties. And when that happened I had bad thoughts that maybe he would get jaundice or cholicy or just something bad. It's funny how protective you get over your child. It went away in like two days. Now Luke has been going through, I think, a growth spirt. I've learned that all you can do is take it one day at a time. And I'm pretty sure that if I can make it as a mom, I can do anything.
Moments like this are just too precious. I love my men. With all my heart <3
Mama, that was so sweet! I will be honest, I teared up a bit. Babies are just such little miracles, but of course Luke is the most special miracle! I love the pictures. All that hair! And he he's go the cutest little mouth and nose. The picture of Luke and Aldo reminds me of one that my mom took of my dad and me! So cute!
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to bring Luke in to the library again soon. Don't forget that Molly leaves this next Thursday the 15th. I'm sure she would LOVE to see you both before she leaves.
Give Luke a little snuggle from me! Take care!