I am ready for this little monster to get out of me!! Not because I feel uncomfortable or anything. I just can't wait to see what he looks like and stay at home with him for weeks! :) A little bit of relaxation - that's what I need.
For the past two days, I've gone swimming in our apartment pool. The first day I was with Aldo and the water was so cold. But I didn't care. I just wanted to get out in my swimsuit. Love it! Well, we were competing against each other in how long we could stay under water, or who could swim the fastest lap, etc... I forgot that I need more oxygen than I normally would, and so we only swam for 30 minutes. I was too worn out! Then today I went with my sister. I knew ahead of time we'd only be in for half an hour, so instead I told her we should do water aerobics and easy stuff. I'm pretty sure we looked like fools. But we had lots of fun anyway.
The doctor's appointment went as usual. I gained 4 pounds in the last two weeks (making it a total of 27 pounds gained). I have no idea how I'll gain any more. There just isn't any room. And now I'll be visiting the doctor once a week. Crazy huh? I'll only see her maybe two or three times before the baby arrives. Oh, and it turns out that the pain I was feeling, was the baby's head moving. Sometimes I wonder, what in the world is he doing in there?
As for some lesser information. Aldo has had two dreams about the baby. In the first, he was looking at the white board and it said "Congratulations Mommy and Daddy! <SON'S NAME> 11lbs. 2 oz." I told him that it's not a dream, it's a nightmare. An 11 pound child?! Are you kidding me? And in the second dream, the baby came early and he was only 6 pounds. I'm hoping for something in the middle. Like eight. And healthy. And of course I had a little daydream myself... where the baby just came out and his arms were shaking and stretch out and he was crying and I started crying cuz I heard my baby crying and then I was wanting to hold him... :) So they put him in my arms and I was just bawling because he was mine. And he was red and squished and angry and messy. And now I am so excited. I'm gonna be a mommy!
Awww! Your daydream is super cute! I can't wait to meet your baby too. :)