Last weekend Aldo and I went to a youth conference called Consumed. My goodness. It was so much fun! Somehow I got put in charge of three girls, one of them being my sister, and the others I already knew. Easy. Aldo got a group of four or five from a different church altogether and later found out that they were the most "rowdy". My poor husband. A
Then, Aldo just had a birthday. We had hamburgers and I gave him a spice rack. Sounds like a blah-type of present, but he is insane about it. The good part is... he always wants to cook now. hahaha... I'm so clever.
Getting my calendar together hasn't been easy. I can't keep track of anything any more because there is soo much going on!! I have to write it all down. I'm having 5 baby showers!!! The first one is this Tuesday at a friend's house. I'm excited. We just put in the bassinet a couple nights ago. It is soo sweet. I can just imagine the little Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore and other characters swinging around with the little lights going off and music playing.. rocking my baby to sleep. :( <pouty lip face> (haha.. speaking of which, I can not get through certain movies or even commercials without crying. And I get so frustrated over the house... Aldo says I am now in the "nesting" stage.) Moving on... I have to visit the doctor every two weeks. We are still going to the Financial class. I just feel like I work every day and then the weekends I don't work, I have to celebrate with my family and friends. I love my family and friends, I seriously don't mind, it's just like.. where is the rest?? Oh and then we also have a tour of the hospital coming up and hopefully we'll get signed up right away for a one-day birthing class.
Now for my bodily changes. Man oh man. Even though people say I look great, I feel like the girl off of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who turns into a huge bloated grape. Mostly my ribs hurt and my ankles. And my shoulders. Sometimes I'll have a stabbing pain.. but I haven't figured o
But with all of that, I always seem to be blessed by both of my boys. Aldo rubbed my head til I fell asleep last night. What a sweetheart! He's so unselfish. I am one lucky girl. <3 And the little one has gotten the hiccups twice! At first I thought, he's going to be a great dancer or something, he's moving on beat. Nope. He had the hiccups. I'm thinking he's going to be pretty calm. He doesn't move much, except when he's uncomfortable. And that's probably mostly my fault for switching sides when I sleep or poking him on accident or something.
And last... my obsession for this week...: making a scrapbook. Wish me luck!
You definitely don't look like the girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!! Does Aldo have any brothers? Because he sure is a good husband! LOL!