I just sat here at work for 15 minutes with my hand on my belly. Poor little guy had the hiccups again. It's so weird that there's something in there. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that thought or feeling. And as my hand was laying there I thought... my hand is almost touching his head... his head is right here... It was such a wonderful thought, I had to share it.
Had the first baby shower last night, given by Aldo's friends. It was for guys and girls, so they had all kinds of hand foods, movies going the whole time, and some pretty cool games. It was so much fun though. Usually I'm not the type to like the attention, but I think because it was so small, I felt comfortable. My kid has some pretty cute clothes. I have this feeling that he's gonna be a lot like his father - in his clothing choices at least. And he also got a little security blanket and rattle to match. It has Mickey Mouse on it. It's not very big, but SO SO soffffftttttt. I am in love with it, and my son may never see it. :P
More to come tomorrow,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
32 Weeks!!!
It's been a while. This I know...
Last weekend Aldo and I went to a youth conference called Consumed. My goodness. It was so much fun! Somehow I got put in charge of three girls, one of them being my sister, and the others I already knew. Easy. Aldo got a group of four or five from a different church altogether and later found out that they were the most "rowdy". My poor husband. A
nyway, we would go to praise and worship and then listen to a speaker... back to back to back to back. And sometimes we ate. I would do it all over again though, LOVED IT.
Then, Aldo just had a birthday. We had hamburgers and I gave him a spice rack. Sounds like a blah-type of present, but he is insane about it. The good part is... he always wants to cook now. hahaha... I'm so clever.
Getting my calendar together hasn't been easy. I can't keep track of anything any more because there is soo much going on!! I have to write it all down. I'm having 5 baby showers!!! The first one is this Tuesday at a friend's house. I'm excited. We just put in the bassinet a couple nights ago. It is soo sweet. I can just imagine the little Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore and other characters swinging around with the little lights going off and music playing.. rocking my baby to sleep. :( <pouty lip face> (haha.. speaking of which, I can not get through certain movies or even commercials without crying. And I get so frustrated over the house... Aldo says I am now in the "nesting" stage.) Moving on... I have to visit the doctor every two weeks. We are still going to the Financial class. I just feel like I work every day and then the weekends I don't work, I have to celebrate with my family and friends. I love my family and friends, I seriously don't mind, it's just like.. where is the rest?? Oh and then we also have a tour of the hospital coming up and hopefully we'll get signed up right away for a one-day birthing class.
Now for my bodily changes. Man oh man. Even though people say I look great, I feel like the girl off of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who turns into a huge bloated grape. Mostly my ribs hurt and my ankles. And my shoulders. Sometimes I'll have a stabbing pain.. but I haven't figured o
ut yet if it's just stabbing pain or if I'm actually having contractions. If they are, it's not soo bad, but I haven't yet experienced the constant extreme ones yet. We'll see how that goes.
But with all of that, I always seem to be blessed by both of my boys. Aldo rubbed my head til I fell asleep last night. What a sweetheart! He's so unselfish. I am one lucky girl. <3 And the little one has gotten the hiccups twice! At first I thought, he's going to be a great dancer or something, he's moving on beat. Nope. He had the hiccups. I'm thinking he's going to be pretty calm. He doesn't move much, except when he's uncomfortable. And that's probably mostly my fault for switching sides when I sleep or poking him on accident or something.
And last... my obsession for this week...: making a scrapbook. Wish me luck!
Last weekend Aldo and I went to a youth conference called Consumed. My goodness. It was so much fun! Somehow I got put in charge of three girls, one of them being my sister, and the others I already knew. Easy. Aldo got a group of four or five from a different church altogether and later found out that they were the most "rowdy". My poor husband. A
Then, Aldo just had a birthday. We had hamburgers and I gave him a spice rack. Sounds like a blah-type of present, but he is insane about it. The good part is... he always wants to cook now. hahaha... I'm so clever.
Getting my calendar together hasn't been easy. I can't keep track of anything any more because there is soo much going on!! I have to write it all down. I'm having 5 baby showers!!! The first one is this Tuesday at a friend's house. I'm excited. We just put in the bassinet a couple nights ago. It is soo sweet. I can just imagine the little Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore and other characters swinging around with the little lights going off and music playing.. rocking my baby to sleep. :( <pouty lip face> (haha.. speaking of which, I can not get through certain movies or even commercials without crying. And I get so frustrated over the house... Aldo says I am now in the "nesting" stage.) Moving on... I have to visit the doctor every two weeks. We are still going to the Financial class. I just feel like I work every day and then the weekends I don't work, I have to celebrate with my family and friends. I love my family and friends, I seriously don't mind, it's just like.. where is the rest?? Oh and then we also have a tour of the hospital coming up and hopefully we'll get signed up right away for a one-day birthing class.
Now for my bodily changes. Man oh man. Even though people say I look great, I feel like the girl off of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who turns into a huge bloated grape. Mostly my ribs hurt and my ankles. And my shoulders. Sometimes I'll have a stabbing pain.. but I haven't figured o
But with all of that, I always seem to be blessed by both of my boys. Aldo rubbed my head til I fell asleep last night. What a sweetheart! He's so unselfish. I am one lucky girl. <3 And the little one has gotten the hiccups twice! At first I thought, he's going to be a great dancer or something, he's moving on beat. Nope. He had the hiccups. I'm thinking he's going to be pretty calm. He doesn't move much, except when he's uncomfortable. And that's probably mostly my fault for switching sides when I sleep or poking him on accident or something.
And last... my obsession for this week...: making a scrapbook. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
30 Weeks, 4 Days
A deer practically jumped over my car on the way to work today!!! It was insane. And it didn't freak me out much either. But afterwards, I was just like.. wow. Timing is pretty much everything. We were on our way to work and running a little bit late. Then my dad calls with info about taxes. (It's the 14th and I still haven't done much with them.) So I'm talking on the phone with him and then Aldo jumps out, I throw the phone across the car and race around to the other side (there's a line of cars behind us), and get back on the phone with dad. He lets me go because he's one of those parents that don't like their kid talking on the
phone while driving. Love him. Anyway, so I'm driving along and I hear this whistling. We JUST got our car fixed like a day ago, so it should not be making any sounds. The passenger door was open. So I'm in a pack of traffic, I can't really stop unless I pull over in a turn lane or something. And I'm only going 50, but ahead the speed limit changes to 65. I'm like... that's not happening, So I pull over and shut the door and then not a minute later, I see this big dog out of the side of my eye and he's like furious and coming after my car!!! But then when I look in the rear-view mirror... oh no, it's a deer. And it's just leap-leaping across the freeway. !!!!!!!!!!!! I was more worried about the huge truck behind me, than I was about myself a second ago. End of story... The deer lived. The shock factor I think, was that it was in the middle of the day and in a line of cars. :( I feel so sad that we take their habitat.
Moving on...
Yesterday we went to the hospital to register and sign up for baby classes. Woo woo! And today I watched Aldo play football with his boys. He wears bright red sweats and a bright red shirt every time. They call him the "Red Giant". I think he scored 2 touchdowns that I saw. He claims he scored the winning touchdown of the first game and then he got hurt and that's why he played bad when I saw him.
phone while driving. Love him. Anyway, so I'm driving along and I hear this whistling. We JUST got our car fixed like a day ago, so it should not be making any sounds. The passenger door was open. So I'm in a pack of traffic, I can't really stop unless I pull over in a turn lane or something. And I'm only going 50, but ahead the speed limit changes to 65. I'm like... that's not happening, So I pull over and shut the door and then not a minute later, I see this big dog out of the side of my eye and he's like furious and coming after my car!!! But then when I look in the rear-view mirror... oh no, it's a deer. And it's just leap-leaping across the freeway. !!!!!!!!!!!! I was more worried about the huge truck behind me, than I was about myself a second ago. End of story... The deer lived. The shock factor I think, was that it was in the middle of the day and in a line of cars. :( I feel so sad that we take their habitat.
Moving on...
Yesterday we went to the hospital to register and sign up for baby classes. Woo woo! And today I watched Aldo play football with his boys. He wears bright red sweats and a bright red shirt every time. They call him the "Red Giant". I think he scored 2 touchdowns that I saw. He claims he scored the winning touchdown of the first game and then he got hurt and that's why he played bad when I saw him.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
30 Weeks!!
Oh man Oh man... I'm starting to freak out a little bit. Only 10 more weeks left?!
Just got back from my librarian conference. Besides the not being able to drive off whenever I want to, shop til I drop cuz there's no shopping around, and cook homemade meals, oh and being surrounded by women ..crazier than the usual I think.. other than all those things, it was pretty fun. I learned lots of stuff - secret librarian things that I can not reveal to an everyday civilian.
Moving on... while I was out of town, I went to the city library. They were having a book sale - and I bought an old version of the book that I just got done reading like the day before. I think it's the most helpful book I've had during the pregnancy so far. "Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age Five" by The American Academy of Pediatrics. I am completely in love with it. It talked alot about what's going to happen right after birth and what immunization the baby will get, etc. "What to Expect When Your Expecting" didn't seem to have that info and it started to get a little dull, whereas this one you can do the one-two-skipafew system and it wouldn't matter.
Back to work I go,
Just got back from my librarian conference. Besides the not being able to drive off whenever I want to, shop til I drop cuz there's no shopping around, and cook homemade meals, oh and being surrounded by women ..crazier than the usual I think.. other than all those things, it was pretty fun. I learned lots of stuff - secret librarian things that I can not reveal to an everyday civilian.
Moving on... while I was out of town, I went to the city library. They were having a book sale - and I bought an old version of the book that I just got done reading like the day before. I think it's the most helpful book I've had during the pregnancy so far. "Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age Five" by The American Academy of Pediatrics. I am completely in love with it. It talked alot about what's going to happen right after birth and what immunization the baby will get, etc. "What to Expect When Your Expecting" didn't seem to have that info and it started to get a little dull, whereas this one you can do the one-two-skipafew system and it wouldn't matter.
Back to work I go,
Monday, April 5, 2010
29 Weeks, 2 Days
I went to the doctor today and got my results for my blood test: I do not have gestational diabetes.
Other baby things going on... well.. I feel like my hips are splitting in half most days. I've also been getting charlie horses I guess (I'd call them cramps in my legs and feet) from rolling onto my back while I'm asleep. Doctor says I should surround myself with pillows so I roll over onto those, or so they stop me. I already do that though. Doesn't much help apparently.. And he just moves around a whole lot.
A usual check up goes like this:
Other news... I hung out with my mom, sister, and granddad over the weekend. We ran errands, but among them went to an apartment where the inhabitants left their junk, including brand-new baby gear! I found a changing table that I'm going to paint and a potty-training thing that I won't really need til later. So now I'm really into getting the nursery room together. I'm going to pick out a theme and colors.
More to come,
Other baby things going on... well.. I feel like my hips are splitting in half most days. I've also been getting charlie horses I guess (I'd call them cramps in my legs and feet) from rolling onto my back while I'm asleep. Doctor says I should surround myself with pillows so I roll over onto those, or so they stop me. I already do that though. Doesn't much help apparently.. And he just moves around a whole lot.
A usual check up goes like this:
- check my weight gain - so far I'm at 16lbs., which is actually below what the average is.. but she said that's ok because not all body types are the same. and overall she expects a gain of around 25lbs. Gosh I have a lot to go!)
- check my blood pressure - this is how they decided my cramping wasn't to worry about
- potty test - I have not yet mastered this. Every single time I have a new story for Aldo.
- ultrasound - they check the baby's heartbeat and measure me (I am at 29 right now. Whatever that means. But she says it's good.)
- discussion with doctor
Other news... I hung out with my mom, sister, and granddad over the weekend. We ran errands, but among them went to an apartment where the inhabitants left their junk, including brand-new baby gear! I found a changing table that I'm going to paint and a potty-training thing that I won't really need til later. So now I'm really into getting the nursery room together. I'm going to pick out a theme and colors.
And last, yesterday was Easter. Church was packed. I put together cute little chocolate bunnies and eggs for everyone, but they melted in the car. So then they were deformed chocolate lumps. Then we went to Aldo's family's house and cooked some burgers out on the grill. I love this weather! It's so perfect. I ate three, but it felt like I ate all 29.
Friday, April 2, 2010
28 Weeks, 6 Days
Busy day again. Busy month actually. Just started putting our "budget" into practice for our class, because April finally started and we went and filled up on groceries today. So far, it's looking like a good month. :) Lots of stuff the husband can cook...
Next week I'm going out of town for a conference my work is sending me to. Pretty neat. I'm kind of nervous. It's like the first day of school. He he. And I'll be gone three days. What will I do without Aldo? I'm sure he'll be fine, but I need the socialness with him! I feed off of his energy! And he's gotten me into this bad habit of going to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning and waking up at 10. What will I ever do? But other than that... seems like a lot of fun. I'm thinking I'm gonna mix up the classes a little bit. Take some computer stuff, some reference, some children's, etc. and expand my horizons.
Then the next week we're going to a youth conference CONSUMED! I'm nervous about that too. I'm a counselor and I haven't really counseled anybody lately, so... it feels weird that I'll be the one watching and leading kids (when I feel like the immature one sometimes).
Aldo's birthday is coming up too. I have no idea what to get him. He likes eating out with family, but I want to get him something besides food. He's just hard to shop for. Anyway, I'm going to look around tomorrow for ideas while he's at work. Shhh... it's a surprise.
Next week I'm going out of town for a conference my work is sending me to. Pretty neat. I'm kind of nervous. It's like the first day of school. He he. And I'll be gone three days. What will I do without Aldo? I'm sure he'll be fine, but I need the socialness with him! I feed off of his energy! And he's gotten me into this bad habit of going to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning and waking up at 10. What will I ever do? But other than that... seems like a lot of fun. I'm thinking I'm gonna mix up the classes a little bit. Take some computer stuff, some reference, some children's, etc. and expand my horizons.
Then the next week we're going to a youth conference CONSUMED! I'm nervous about that too. I'm a counselor and I haven't really counseled anybody lately, so... it feels weird that I'll be the one watching and leading kids (when I feel like the immature one sometimes).
Aldo's birthday is coming up too. I have no idea what to get him. He likes eating out with family, but I want to get him something besides food. He's just hard to shop for. Anyway, I'm going to look around tomorrow for ideas while he's at work. Shhh... it's a surprise.
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