Friday, September 11, 2020

Because COVID

If you were awake and breathing in 2020 (oh the irony of those words), then you already know what the title of this post alludes to. If you were asleep, then I’ll fill you in... 

In early March, the government (at the recommendation of the health organizations) decided to put out a stay-at-home order to stop the spread of coronavirus, or more specifically "to flatten the curve". It was an effort to keep hospitals from being bombarded since coronavirus is highly contagious. You couldn't go anywhere unless absolutely necessary. Travel shut down. Kids were sent home from school. Restaurants closed. Major sports suspended their seasons. (You could rewatch the Chiefs winning the Superbowl on tv.) "Essential" workers were basically doctors, grocery store workers, and truck drivers. I remember that it hit China and Europe first and people all over sent out these videos saying that we (Americans) needed to take it seriously. People ran to the store and stocked up on all kinds of stuff. There was a time when almost all of the aisles at the store were bare - all you could find was chili beans and tofu. Toilet paper and disinfecting wipes were off of the shelves for weeks. During this time more information about the virus came out - it was from Wuhan, China  from eating bat soup? Rumors were constantly spreading that it was a bioweapon, that it was coverup for human trafficking, and that it was just another strain of coronavirus. In the meantime, my family just tried to get through the days at home. Luke had to complete 4th grade through Zoom and Google Classroom. Aldo was working from home and took a pay cut. There was huge controversy about churches being open/closed - whether it was a violation of religious laws and whether government had that power. The saddest part through all of this, I think, is that those in nursing homes haven't been able to leave their rooms much or have visitors because the elderly were most at risk.

We sent Granddad some encouraging pictures during our at home "Spirit Week"

Then, in June, George Floyd was brutally killed by police officers. This started all kinds of crazy - Black Lives Matter protests hijacked by Antifa rioting, looting, and open conversations on racial injustice - statues and monuments of historical figures (most likely those with a past as slave holders) were being vandalized and torn down - police shows were cancelled on tv (even Paw Patrol!, no joke) - activists were "woke" and if you didn't actively participate then you're a "racist". So then the health gurus said that it was ok to be out if you were protesting, but if not then stay home because of coronavirus. Like you were protected from it in a huge mob! There was more and more evidence of a wide difference in opinion between Democrats and Republicans that it seemed like everything became political. The news seemed ludicrous because everything had an agenda - spread fear of coronavirus, warp numbers of death rate, promote Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders.... President Trump isn't wearing his mask today! People started looking down the rabbit hole, including myself, into QAnon, human trafficking and cabal after the Epstein case. It made me realize just how much Hollywood, Netflix, and even the news promotes ideas, sometimes without us even realizing it.

Lots of biking and fishing

We planted a vegetable garden! 
(Lots of success with zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, and jalapenos)

Pinning bugs for 4H Beginner Entomology

In July, a mask mandate went out that you have to wear a mask in public places, and thankfully there was a slow opening of businesses. As you would suspect, there's been controversy over wearing masks. Are they really keeping us safe or creating more health issues? What about those with health issues (like asthma or if they're hearing impaired)? What if you're carrying a concealed weapon? Will a plastic face shield work instead? Keep 6 feet away and wear a mask. Wash your hands. Wipe the shopping cart handles with disinfectant. Limit how many can sit in a restaurant together. The executive order was put out until rescinded, and I would like to say that it's been rescinded, but it hasn't. School was pushed back by three weeks of the start date so that they could put proper protocols in place to follow the orders.

Here we are. If you experience any of the symptoms, in any amount of severity, including none at all, and in any order, please get a nose swab to the brain and quarantine yourself for 14 days because you may have the markers for covid and be contagious without even knowing it:

  • trouble breathing
  • cough/ sore throat
  • chest pain
  • confusion
  • trouble staying awake
  • fever/chills
  • fatigue
  • body aches
  • headache
  • loss of taste
  • loss of smell
  • diarrhea

All of these, as you can see, can resemble just about all other common sicknesses... cold, flu, and allergy, AND panic attack symptoms and anxiety!

This year has been so strange. I didn't even mention the Saharan dust storms, Australian bush fires, back-to-back hurricanes in Texas/Louisiana, murder hornets, and genetically modified Florida mosquitoes. I'm sure people are suspicious that this might be it - the time before the end - the Tribulation or start of it. The majority of us (believers that I know) are just ready for 2020 to end. It feels like this has gone on for 36+ months, when we've barely entered 9.


Mila's Tangled Birthday Party
& First HAIRCUT!!!
She donated 10 inches to kids with hair loss.

Today, I took Mila to her first day of Kindergarten. We waited in the car line for over 20 minutes as each child had their temperature checked before leaving his or her vehicle and entering the school. They had to walk 6ft apart with masks on (not shields) down the sidewalk. I couldn't take her to class. I couldn't take her picture outside by the school sign, like every other child's right of passage picture prior to this year. I watched as she said she knew exactly where to go with hesitation in her small voice and then followed it with dramatic limping down the the school's entry way because her "foot fell asleep". We had the choice to send her to school full-time, remotely with daily check-ins, or virtually. We chose full-time because it was really only two days a week and remote the rest of the week due to Covid (which would include mask breaks throughout the day). Within weeks of school, that changed to four days of the week and one day remote (even though older kids go to school less??). (This must be a funding thing, and who's at least amount of risk.) Within days, I found out that there would be no mask breaks at all. 

The Night before Kindergarten
First Day of Kindergarten

This is not fair. Stressful. Insane. Emotional. Heart-wrenching. Sucky. Because COVID.

  1. I couldn't go to church - because COVID.
  2. I couldn't visit Granddad at home - because COVID. 
  3. I couldn't go on our trip to Germany - because COVID.
  4. I couldn't celebrate Aldo or Luke's birthday big - because COVID.
  5. I couldn't take the kids to the zoo - because COVID.
  6. I couldn't sign the kids up for sports - because COVID.
  7. I couldn't play on the park equipment - because COVID. 
  8. I couldn't help with Camp - because COVID.
  9. I couldn't find the toilet paper, disinfectant wipes, baby wipes, and bleach spray - because COVID.
  10. I couldn't do grocery pick-up - because COVID.
  11. I couldn't buy a cheap pool, splash pad, or sprinkler - because COVID.
  12. I couldn't give my honest opinion without questioning if I'd be labeled as racist or automatically assigned a political affiliation - because COVID.
  13. I couldn't enjoy my regular programming of shows - because COVID.
  14. I couldn't participate in fair activities with my kids like normal - because COVID.
  15. I couldn't send my kids to school like normal - because COVID.
  16. I couldn't breathe - because COVID.

In part, it hasn't been all negatives. The Gutz, Herricks, and us have been meeting for Bible Study on Sunday evenings and Wednesday morning Zoom devotionals. We've grown closer together in that. I spent more time/am spending more time with my kids. I got my CCL and found out that I'm a sharp shooter. :) I learned how to grow and keep a vegetable garden and enjoyed the products of it. I didn't gain any weight, but I didn't lose any either - we went on more bike rides and took more walks. We stayed strong as a family. <3

Sharp Shooter 😜
You can't see them, but all the bullet holes are in the center or cheek or eye. Score: 25/25