I don't even know how to start this post because a lot has changed. Lately we've been trying to get the house back in order - like I said in the last post.. with a budget, and now with the kids involved in chores. I've been doing more deep cleaning around the house and following a daily schedule. Well, I can now because Aldo is more or less at a 9 to 5.
The main news is that Aldo left NFM. The easiest way I can explain it is that he's a claims adjuster at a growing company, but eventually he'll be in charge of production. He seems to like it. A lot of numbers are involved and fine-combing through files with city ordinances, etc. and going back and forth with insurance. We don't have the income we "need" yet, which is strange because I feel ok about it. I think the life insurance prepared me for us taking the dip. I know the money will come and I'm at peace about it. I like having Aldo home on the weekends, and home in the evenings. Yes, he stays late right now, but I know it won't always be like that. I just like seeing him happy and having energy. I mean... he's been playing football with Luke and Bandit.
Daddy's Home!
At first it was hard going to "school", but now Mila has the hang of it. And I do too. She likes to earn stickers - princess, Minnie, Paw Patrol, star earrings, etc. And she loves cutting and gluing, and activity. Following a story where I don't turn the page as much is difficult for her. Or even worse, a story without pictures. So I'll start off school with the story so that we get the hard part over with while I have her attention. And if there's a day with two stories, then I'll tell the second during our snack time. It's a different experience than when I was at Miss Pat's. Mila doesn't have anyone to learn with. But at the same time, she shows some of the the same behaviors that Luke did - for example, she likes to tell me not to look while she's coloring the page and surprise me with it when she's done. Hopefully, she is learning that letters have sounds and remembering what the sounds of each letter are. So far we have gone through Aa, Mm, Ss, Ff, Rr, and this week we are working on Ee. She also has been having a hard time figuring out if a word starts with the sound during our Auditory Drills, but I'm not sure if she's just pretending or if she is really struggling. I guess we'll see when she enters Kindergarten.
Mila's 1st School
I'm going to be honest, I've been in a funk in the month of September. Probably even longer. Recently I've been praying more and reading my Bible more in the mornings. And it's been really good. It's been healing... I wasn't like how I was looking. I was snapping at Luke a lot. I was stressed. And negative. My birthday was NOT fun at all. Aldo said it was the Birthday Blues, that I get them every year. I didn't know that. I was so overwhelmed by wanting everyone else to have a good time, that I couldn't have a good time myself. Dumb huh? So... this might be my last year celebrating my birthday. From now on, let's just get ice-cream as a family or leave completely and go on vacation. :)
Other news:
- We met with Pastor Joe and told him that we were looking at ending our time as Children's Church Pastors after the Christmas Play. It's been a struggle coming up with ideas for the room and for a logo, and getting involved with the Warriors and other things, but we've discussed it and it's probably because, it's not supposed to be us that does it. After telling him, it was like a huge relief fell off my chest. And recently, I had a quick vision that we're supposed to "direct". Like, being an in-between making things flow. Interestingly that's what we're really good at. So I know we're supposed to do something... I'm just not sure what yet. And this past week, our worship leaders were let go. AND, Pastor T and Miss C let Pastors know that they were leaving the church. Crazy changes, huh? We have a leadership meeting tonight since all of this news... I don't know how it's going to play out. I hate being put on the spot. Also strangely, I haven't been so excited to be apart of something in a while. I'm excited to be praying and receiving healing and direction from God. I'm excited about the Women's Conference in October at CenterPointe. And I'm excited about the Christmas Play and that Aldo is so gung-ho for it too. And I'm excited to work with JoAnn at Project Give Hope. And, like we were at first, I'm excited to be used by God in whatever we do.
- Over the summer, Bandit did really well in the Agility competition. He got a white, however, we had worked on the teeter-totter only a few days beforehand and Bandit would barely touch it with his front paws. HE TRIED! At the competition he tried!! Luke and I were prepared for him to just skip that section and go to the next place, but Bandit tried and we were all surprised. I wish I could share the video with you on here, because I think the hearts of all of the audience were paused in anticipation. Everyone was rooting for him. It was really cool to watch.
Bandit & Luke in 4H
- We sent in our request for citizenship for Aldo. He went and got biometrics done. This Thursday, he has his naturalization interview where they test him on his English understanding and civics. Things like - how many voting members does the US House of Representatives have? (435), Name a writer of the Federalist Papers (James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Publius), and who is the current Speaker of the House (Nancy Pelosi)? I wouldn't have been able to answer any of these before. I don't think 50% of Americans can answer these questions. Sad.
- Mila's Pink Tea Party was a hit! I got the girls tea party hats, feathered boas, gloves and fans. I also had tea cups on little plates for each guest to use for their pink lemonade, chocolate covered strawberries, pink wafers, and puff pastry. Aldo did a reading for us, which was really cute. And we tried to balance spoons on our noses. We finished with ice-cream and presents. I had a blast even though I didn't get as dressed up as I wanted too. It's all about her anyway. She was really upset when I changed out the calendar to September in our school room (because I had to remove her cupcake that represented her birthday...).

Mila's Pink Tea Party
She Loves Her Present! (4 Years Old!!)
- Our fridge has been out of service for a month. They (a second repairman sent through the HWA) also come on Thursday and hopefully we'll be approved for a new fridge rather than someone fixing this one (only because it stinks now and I just want the whole thing gone). We've been living out of mom's mini fridge inside the house and a "beater fridge" in the basement. Not the most convenient, but thank goodness we have these and can eat at home rather than traveling and storing things at mom's, or going the expensive route and eating out.
Ethnic Festival 2019