Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Little/Big Personality

Mila is now 19 months (... in other words slightly over a year and a half... because who keeps track of monthly milestones anymore?) and her little personality, although she always had one, is reeaaaalllly coming out. I thought I'd catch up on just her. Not to mention, this blog also needs some more pictures. We'll start with some noticeable favorites...

Person(s): There is a list depending on the day and where we are. After a Wednesday and Thursday of working at the library, I'm her favorite person. But really, am I? Or is it just because I have the "night nights"? The other person she seems to RUN to is Grammy ("Mami"). I'm so glad mom chose to stay in Kansas. She would've missed out on this little girl's cuddles every Sunday at church. And the pleasure of seeing all of her quirks descended down into this crazy, lively toddler. Seriously. We'll explore that later...
When Papa visits, sometimes it's a hit and miss. BUT, when I'm on the phone, it MUST be Papa and he MUST be calling for her. Papa is her number one to talk to on the phone. He just knows how to carry on a meaningful conversation with her.
The friends she always looks for are Asher ("Aster") and Noah ("Wawa"). They are her boy.. friends.. that Aldo and I have to keep off of her. Apparently their parents are planning the nuptials already. Not me though. See, I wouldn't mind, but I know these things are delicate and can't be forced. Let her think we don't want her with the Pastor's kid... She doesn't care for people that cling on her. Which is sad because there are a lot of people that would love her hugs, like Ember, who Mila is just now warming up to. I have to throw in a short story because it is the cutest thing and reminded me of the most famous and quoted line in Dirty Dancing. Asher confessed to his mom one day that he wasn't sure he could be friends with Levi any more. When asked why, he said that Levi wanted it to be boys only but Asher said "Nobody closes Mila behind a door." If that isn't her motto.
Luke is a given favorite. Anything Luke has or does is awesome. He is the only one that can get her to laugh hard (not forced). Their bond is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. With that said, they already bicker and get on each other's nerves too. It's those that are closest I guess...

Place: Hmm, this is a hard one. She's an explorer. She likes to get into things, especially if she knows she shouldn't. She's most "at home" at the apartment. But she also doesn't mind getting on the swings or slide at the park. Or on the swings at church in the kids' area, or in the blinky car in nursery, or ON STAGE going up and down the stairs in the SANCTUARY! She does better in the car, thank you Lord, but not her favorite place. And does better in a shopping cart for a limited time. Because eventually curiosity gets the best of her or she sees something that she needs and can't reach, and will fuss until she gets her way. She must be heard. I want to say this... at home, her favorite spots to hang out are by the pateo because outside is fun (another inherited trait that skipped a generation), the bath which is our most repetitive activity (we always take a bath the same: empty floating animals into tub, run water, play, Mommy showers at same time, water is emptied below, Mila gets lathered in soap, showers with Mommy, we drink and spit out water, get out and dry off, put on lotion, and nurse), and on one of her pillows because she knows it's "night night" time.

Food: This is where her similarities with Grammy come into play even more. She likes vegetables! She'll eat green beans one by one. She'll eat a whole cucumber by herself! She'll try to pick the healthy things off of my sandwiches. She likes black beans and rice from Chipotle. She loves spicy! She'll dip fries or chicken nuggets in katsup and suck the katsup off. Same with chips and salsa. And double dip of course. She loves fruit like: grapes, blueberries and apples BUT not bananas. Hot dogs are alright but not with the corn covering. Pizza bites are good. She's not interested in poptarts or breakfast bars, doesn't care for fruit snacks anymore. She can sense an open package of chocolate from across the room. One thing she does take after me, from when I was younger... she is choosey about her food... she WILL examine it first. And she doesn't like her hands dirty. So in between eating cheeto puffs or pizza bites, I have to wash her off so she can eat more.

Movie: We are not to where she'll sit down, but she does ask for Elmo now and she recognizes the sounds of Big Bang Theory (which Luke also loved when he was little).

Music: "Barbara Ann" by The Beach Boys, "Hey Ya" by Outkast, and "Gangnam Style". She has started singing the alphabet song (we're as far as A - B - ...) and some church songs ("I may never...").

Book: Wow, I never thought we'd get here. Since she doesn't sit still for long, it was hard to read anything. Or even get her to look at a black and white board book with no words, just shapes! But now she's a little, book-lover. Her favorites are, "Clifford Counts Bubbles," the "I Love Music," book that actually plays different instruments when you place your finger on circles (I knew she would love this one! Except that now he batteries need replaced...), and the sign language one she got from a doctor check-up. It's those three on repeat whenever she's in the mood for reading.

Toy: Ha! It is mostly whatever Mommy or Luke is currently holding in their hands that she wants to play with. Example: I'm folding clothes. It means it's time for dress up... lets all put underwear on our heads and multiple shirts on our legs. Whenever I am vacuuming, she is in the direct path of the vacuum cleaner. And thanks to my mom, she has her own cleaning supplies to play with. She scrubs the carpet sometimes. (What kid wants cleaning supplies for Christmas?) I would say that the toys she plays with most are her little kitchenette and cooking items (she hides her real bottle in the play oven, makes me some food and drink every once in a while, and stirs things), Luke's Pokémon cards, and the alphabet game on her phone or Pokémon Go on my phone. She gets in trouble with phones. She also gets in trouble with the remote, the keyboard for the Rasberry Pie, my laptop, and pens that she steals from the top drawer of the antique desk.

So in short, we've got a little/big personality on our hands...

That day she locked herself in the bathroom...
(Literally the first week we were in the apartment.)

Enjoying the Sunshine

Mami & Mila