Monday, January 25, 2016

5 Month Update

During these past weeks I've been telling myself I need to blog... I need to blog... But honestly I don't know what about because there really hasn't been any major changes. At least with Mila. Not that I've noticed. She's still in our bed. She hasn't tried to crawl. No tooth has popped through. I did get her to laugh a while back because I was growling. Nice. She likes growling. And growling in response. Also, she has tried some First Foods: banana and apple at first. This week we tried sweet potatoes and pears. The sweet potatoes she took a couple of bites with me earlier in the day, but wasn't too hungry. Later, my mom watched her and she ate the entire cup!! Then last night she almost ate the entire thing of pears. Her appetite for whole foods is growing. And its pretty cool that this time around I'm in complete control of when she eats her First Foods, and what they are... I think I was tricked with Luke and didn't get that opportunity. I thought I fed him his first food, but found out later Mama Lily had been feeding him foods for a while.
Mila has stopped rolling over (she still can, but now she just cries). She's super slobbery. Strings of spit are always coming out of her mouth. And now (I don't know if she's sick or teething) her snot is running too. Poor baby. And, she hates having her nose blown.

Crazy Momma & Her Babies

5 Monther

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lazy Days

The more I look at her, the more I see that Mila is not a newborn any more. As I switch positions in the middle of the night, I try to find the newborn we brought home. She's much longer than what she was. She has definitely filled out. Her perception of time (waiting on Mommy to get herself adjusted for a feeding; being on the blanket for tummy time surrounded by stuffed toys, musical toys, and teething toys; and sleeping throughout the day) has changed. And her association of Mommy with "comfort".

My baby cries as we speak. Waiting for Mommy to lay down beside her for the long night. With my arm against the top of her head, sweat forming on my underarm smelling of a mix of skunk and onion, her breathing into my armpit (sounds perfectly relaxing right? <sarcasm>), and the blanket up to her chin - she'll be asleep in no time. She's a cuddler.

I'll resume tomorrow. Maybe with a portion from Aldo. <doe eyes>


Ha! She did NOT sleep. We got to the bed and she ate and she stared at me. And grinned. The girl is constantly full of surprises. All week she has been falling asleep around 11 o'clock, right as we are laying down in the bed. And last night she changes up the schedule.

So today has been a lazy day. Sleeping in, catching up on what I missed last night. And Luke went back to school. It's been quiet. Very, very quiet. Except Mila telling me how much she does not like being down on the blanket for tummy time. 

Am I slightly bored after all of the events surrounding the holidays? Not yet.
Yesterday I did a whole bunch of surveys online (to make money for the next birthday or holiday), while Luke watched movies and played Minecraft before he had to return to school. 
My plan for the next few days is to put together our photo albums - Mila's baby photos and our family trip to Omaha and St. Louis - and to research our next trip… we're thinking Branson!