Thursday, October 29, 2015


Oh my goodness!
Mila just spit up in my mouth!
I went in for a kiss and ... Woosh! Full stream of milk and slobber hit my lips. I don't know how much actually went in because I said "Blah! Ack! Phatooey!" And watched as she smiled her mischievous grin with the one dimple, and then I looked around for where the rest of the milk went. No worries. Just on her pink, bumpy blanket and my shirt.

Another 2-3 more years and I'll have clean shirts again.
Never a clean house though.

I will say this - once you have kids, things that were once disgusting (boogers, slobber, throw up, and other bodily fluids) are not as disgusting. At least not with your own kid. You have no problem, unless your absolutely a clean person with some kind of phobia, cleaning off the crumbs of food around your kid's mouth with your fingers and then licking them afterwards. (Hey, it was Oreo. Or... Hey, it was just steak and potatoes.)

Another gross thing... I might have mentioned this before... Babies don't smell like babies. Not like vanilla or lavender anyway. Not naturally. My little girl smells like she came out of a McDonalds Happy Meal. All oniony and covered in grease. It's disturbing when you go in for a second whiff. It like reside in her neck crease. And transfers to my bed sheets. Am I still considered a lady? Or have I taken it too far and I'm now grouped with the nasty, hobbit people? Please don't judge me. I wasn't always like this.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Post Postpartum

A rightfully named post.
There are days when I have bouts of what I've been calling (in my head) "post" postpartum. Where it feels physically and mentally like the whole... of whatever the whole is... rests on my shoulders. Mila is usually crying frequently, I'm usually tender from breastfeeding and feel completely dried up and shooting milk dust, and Aldo always seems to be around (How does that work? I must be holding out until the days he's off work.) My first guess was that I was supposed to be on my period. I didn't know this, but you don't have a period when you breastfeed. But that doesn't make sense because it's been sporadic. The craziness I mean. Lack of sleep? Possibly. Is it the constant physical draining? The constant contact? Likely. The guessing games of why she's crying? Also likely, but easier as you go. Is it a growth spurt??? Is that why she's so hungry??? And I feel so empty?

See these are the things you don't see new moms going through, and I'm more than 2 months in. I'm my "normal" self again, but there are times when I'm weary of whether I'm actually done with the baby blues. <enter exasperated sigh here>
I can make it. All for baby. You're a good mom, Erryn. And you're a helpful dad, Aldo. You're a good brother, Luke. And you're loved, Mila... We just can't wait until you can finally crawl and grab your own toy that you want and can keep your attention, and maybe talk or sign to know what it is that will make you happy.
Tomorrow's a new day. Here we go!

I have to throw in another shout out to Aldo. As I'm typing this he's finished cooking, and is juggling her along with his food as she's "shouting" at him and watching Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (because the first wasn't bad enough??) with Luke. What a good dad and husband. I'm so lucky.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Hater Status

Tonight has been a rough night. I have to vent without passing my grumpiness off to anyone. Thank you blog for allowing me to do so.

1. The Royals are a big deal on Facebook. It's starting to irritate me. Okay, so I'm not like a huge fan of sports, but I wouldn't mind going to a game here or there. And, right now - and I know this is untrue - it feels like they're all rubbing it in. I'm salty. I admit it, jealousy has struck. I want to go out. I want to have some fun with my kids. I want to look amazing, wear the fan-wear, go all out… I want to do it. But I can't. Because...

2. We're broke. We have zero money for fun. We have bills is what we have. And my question is this -- how do these people have 2+ kids and are still able to live on their own, get nice things, and still go out and take off work. I don't get it. Are they swimming in debt? Can you get to that point? They must have rich family members or nice connections. We don't have connections. We're starting from scratch here. One day my children will know how it is to work for their money and live off of their means and better society and the economy. <sigh>
I looked at houses online. We can't afford it. We would have to buy a foreclosure. And even then, how do you get the money to put down? We have to have help somewhere.

3. I cooked tonight. I've been doing that lately so we save money on food. That seems to be where we're spending a lot of our money. So I've been cooking so that we have leftovers instead of eating out. I think it's helping. Anyway, I've been looking up recipes to extend my knowledge base and selections, and also I've been meal planning for two weeks ahead. That way I'm only going to the store for what I need and saving on multiple trips. Tonight I made pork chops and rice. It's terrible. Absolutely terrible. I think I was supposed to do something to the rice before putting it in the oven, but even soaking it for an hour in water would have been nasty. I can't cook rice for the life of me. The pork chops were a bust too. But I added them to some macaroni. Still saving money here. At least I didn't buy the rice so it wasn't a waste. And at least I didn't put all the pork chops in the pan. So I can test out another pork chop recipe and add it or cross it off the list. I wanted to say that the other night I also made another disgusting recipe (I think Aldo was just being nice when he said he liked it) that involved noodles and meatballs. I've learned that I'm just not buying anything frozen again. And I thought I was good at baking. Turns out I'm not.

So this post is a hater status because I just needed to vent, not pass on the negativity, and not get bombarded with "be grateful".


And now that I've taken that time, I will turn it around to something positive and thankful.

1. I'm grateful for… my husband and kids. They're perfect. My husband is entertaining and funny. My kids take after him (Luke definitely and I'm assuming Mila will too). We can sit on the couch and have a good time. We can sit on the couch and talk and have a better time. We wrestle, we play games, we take funny pictures and make silly videos (Aldo and Luke's "Bulletproof" production). I would rather spend time with my family then go alone to a game or Worlds of Fun or something like that. My family means the world to me. Thank you God for allowing me to be a part of their lives.

2. I'm grateful for… learning life lessons early in life so I haven't made too many mistakes as a grown-up. My guess is a lot of people buy things they can't afford and that's why the U.S. is in so much debt (we're a "I want it, and I want it now" society), but my parents and grandparents taught me to get a good education and work hard at your job, etc. We didn't get any hand-offs. (Except that my mom let me have her hand-me-down Jeep, and then I had to actually pay for the replacement Mercury, and then I borrowed the van…). I'm thankful we didn't get hand-offs. It would've been so much harder to learn what being an adult is all about. Taking responsibility. If you didn't know.
I'm also grateful for… living in the basement of my mom's house. It really is benefiting all parties involved.

3. I'm grateful for… a non-picky husband who is willing to taste my cooking. Improve my cooking. And not hold it against me when I mess up. He appreciates the fact that I try. And I'm grateful that I have learned a few new things that have been a success among the failures. I can make biscuits and gravy! I've been wanting to do that for the longest time!
Oh, and I'm grateful for… those spice packets. Whether it's chili powder, stroganoff, taco seasoning, or gravy mix… without them I'd have a lot more guess work going on. But instead I have more than a couple of flavorful meals under my belt.

Hater status turned Let's Get'R Done mode.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Other Side

Today I got to see how the other side of the birth story is. Maecy had baby Mateo early this morning at 2:44am (not 3:02 mom…). Yesterday I was on the edge of my seat ready to leave at a moment's notice. And I asked Maecy and Juan to keep me updated. They said they would let me know throughout the night. I didn't even get a picture. I got a text that said, "Baby Mateo is here!" and that's it. Mom got pictures. Friends got pictures. I got nothing. I was like --- Hey! I'm the sister! Annnnnd… Juan's family was there through the night! I didn't get to see him until around 10 o'clock. So lame.

I drove mom and granddad there, Mila with us. She had Mateo at Overland Park Regional (not a bad looking hospital, and the inside is very nice… might check into it for the next baby). I asked Mace the story; they didn't say much except that she was a 4 and then an 8 and then he was there. And it hurt. I want details!!! I guess not every person is like me. I like knowing what's going on. I like the intimate facts. It must just be my personality though, respectfully in everyone's business. I like the psychological. I realized that. I might make a good councilor someday.

So for the future I was thinking, maybe I will allow mom back in the room for the next baby. If there is one. That way she can see the pain I go through. And be able to tell people I'm exhausted, go away. And congratulate Aldo on how well he takes care of me. And keep everyone informed so Aldo can focus on baby time and me. I guess this time was a little different because we needed someone to watch Luke. Otherwise I think she would have been at the hospital, definitely earlier than what she made it. But my mind isn't settled on that. It can always change. And again, it's just me. So if they don't want all the details and if they don't want to be there, then I guess they don't have to be. 

On a more positive note… (that was kind of depressing)… here's some pictures of my handsome nephew - I will say this: I liked being pregnant at the same time as Maecy. Not a bad experience. Without further ado…

Mateo Sebastian Tarin
Born 10/15/2015 @ 2:44am
6lb. 12oz.

Proud Auntie Erryn

The Tarin Family

Proud Grammy
(Look at how Mila reacts to her kisses… :D hahaha!)

Announcing to their Neighbors

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

100 Things

Maecy called me up this morning - her water broke in bed and she's on the way to the hospital. So I am ready to go at any second just in case I need to pick up mom or keep Maecy company or just need to visit Mateo. Mila is packed and we're ready to go. So as I am sitting here a little bored, I've done some research on the stork signs and I looked at Luke's blog book. Here's an old list of 100 things... Interesting to see what I've done in the last 5 years...

Bold are what I did before 2010. And the red italic is what I've done since.

1. Started your own blog (how about "re-started")
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland (... One day... One day we will make it there.)
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped (I guess I was counting Worlds of Fun, "The Ripcord")
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightening storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables (I'm counting mom's gardens that I did help plant and watered a few times... Barely ate any of it though. Too many worms and too much lettuce.)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you're not ill (yes, but only because Luke was)
24. Built a snow fort (how about igloo!!)
25. Held a lamb
26. Went skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon (still a fatty, so that's a "NO!" - my goal for the next five years.)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run (I'm lucky if I hit the ball...)
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (hey, I did work on ancestry.. I'm getting there.)
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language (re-learning Spanish)
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo's David
41. Sung karaoke
43. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
44. Visited Africa (Ebola! Ebola everywhere! So no.)
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight (I should.)
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (that's on the same list as Hawaii I guess)
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class (Not me, but Luke has! I took Zumba...)
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching (in Kansas? Are you serious??)
63. Got flowers for no reason (I have a good husband)
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma (I'm counting cord blood. I did that with Mila)
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp
67. Bounced a check (never again!)
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten caviar (too scared. I ate raw sushimi.)
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the changing of the guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle (I think the chance has passed for that.)
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car (Yes! Brand new to me! From the car dealer.)
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible (it takes dedication)
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (I ate the squirrel mom shot. #onlywithmom … but for this to count, I'm choosing fish)
88. Saved someone's life
89. Had chickenpox
90. Sat on a jury (Two years in a row! One car crash with medical bills and another with a robbery in Basehor where I knew just about all of the witnesses and they still let me on the panel.)
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club (we're so nerdy...)
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a law suit (every time I watch a judge on TV!)
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day

So this means I'm 38/100.

Monday, October 12, 2015


Strange how our minds and memories work, and generally how life itself works out.

Lately there's been a lot of discussion about first child (the oldest, which I am), second child, and if you are blessed enough to have one, the third child and so on. So I've been thinking a lot about similarities between Luke, me, and other older siblings that we know like Veronica and Natalie Gutz. And similarities between Maecy and Mila, Aldo, etc. And how I'm going to need some time before we even consider having a third child.

The Alvidrez family is the exception. They're all crazy.

Anyway, we were hanging out with Maecy the other day telling stories about how much trouble she got into growing up. A lot of it had to do with poop or eating unsanitary things. Once she ate gum off of a tire. Yummy! A few times she has dirtied up bathrooms. And she's gone without underwear a lot! I don't think I ever did anything really bad except make her sing "shake your booty" in public (on a table at McDonalds). But really hashtag... #peopleofMcDonalds is basically the same as #peopleofWalmart ... People expect nuts to walk through their doors. Is Luke my easy child and Mila my little trouble-maker? We shall see.

But the purpose of this post was I was going to talk about growth. With Luke every milestone was new. We had no idea what to look for, what to expect, what to savor. With Mila I see the stages. I see the on-coming of milestones. And I appreciate them more and more. The newborn only lasts so long. Mila probably 2 weeks. To all those future mommies and daddies out there take as many pictures as you can of your newborn. The tinyness and essence of newborn only lasts so long. I knew Mila grew out of the newborn stage almost immediately. I can see subtle changes this time around a lot better than with Luke. Mila has this little peacock patch of hair that grows a little more each day. She had chunky legs now with more rolls than the Pillsbury doughboy (not really... but she does have rolls). But I can tell when she's growing long or filling out because when I change places in the middle of the night to feed her (crawling over one side to the other) I look down and notice... She's bigger than yesterday. And before I could see big milestones but now I can break them down into weeks. She's really starting to coo now. You appreciate every raspberry they blow. It only lasts so long and the next day they're talking... Repeating your name "Mommy... Mommy... Mommy..." in your ear a hundred times... And then you hear them less because they go to school all day, but thank goodness the days are quicker... But then one day they're grown. Married at 30 (not 13, Luke) with their own kids and days pass so fast.

How did this post get to be so depressing? Ok, I'm going to go appreciate the day with my kids now. Kids. That's plural. Hasn't entirely sunk in yet.

The Hair Tuft 

<3 My Kids <3

Saturday, October 10, 2015


We're 2 months old today!

So cutting to the chase.... Here's my "Too Much Information" statements:
  • Breastfeeding is so weird. Once you get passed the soreness stage, you're just nipping all day. Through sweaters even! And during odd times (your baby doesn't have to be awake or hungry for this to happen) you might suddenly get a tingling feeling like they're being pulled on. So weird! 
  •  How long do you bleed for after giving birth? With Luke I stopped pretty quickly up until I started taking birth control and then bled every single day. This time I haven't taken anything yet, and just earlier this week I stopped wearing the panty liners. Our bodies are so strange I tell you! And nobody warns you of these things.

And now "To Be Honest"... People weren't talking about post-partum while I was dealing with it and now that it's over and I would and am willing to speak out about it, everyone is. I'm not on some bandwagon speaking out about an issue, I actually went through it. Why does it come out now as an actual issue?

To be honest...  I could use some sleep. But Mila is doing great anyway.

To be honest... It's hard being at home all day. And with a baby at your hip 24/7. Seriously attached. She likes me best. (To be honest.) it's only hard though because I have to look for things to do that I can do with her. Like projects. Well I can't read much. I get tired of watching tv all day. I get stressed looking at all the cleaning around me. And I desperately want to get a fit body again.

To be honest... I'm 210 lbs. Daaaaang. I have the weirdest belly button, an overhanging excess of skin, and my belly is stretch mark city. I desperately want to exercise. But it is so hard with a two-month-old and I'm not making up excuses. I ran the other day (I had to wake up early to do it and I had to have Aldo to watch Mila and Mila had to be in a good mood) and I could only go half way running because I couldn't breath. That's not good. I'd like to walk but it takes more time. How convenient that winter is coming and the weather is getting colder. I would go to the YMCA except that I think 2 mo. is too young to leave a baby in a nursery with people you don't particularly know.

To be honest... I love being a mom. I think my favorite time is when they start talking because 1) you finally can ask what they want, but mostly 2) they have such sweet voices and 3) you get a better idea of their personalities. We're going to have our hands full with Mila. She's already "talking" by cooing and moving her hands.

To be honest... I'm least looking forward to teething. The other day she got her two-month-old shots. (By the way she weighs 11lbs. 4oz. and measures 22.25in.) She was cranky all day, her little chubby legs were so sensitive. I can only imagine teething. And she's already sucking and slobbering on my shoulder.

To be honest... (This is a Luke update) I have THE smartest kids. Aldo and I went to Luke's first parent-teacher conferences. As a kindergartner, the kids are expected to know some of their letters and hardly any of the sounds they make. Luke is reading Dr. Seuss. He's writing entries Ina journal with full sentences where other kids are labeling with a word here and there or putting down the first letter for the first sound. Luke is being put into the enriched group in English and Math. We had to ask are we pushing him too hard?... Is it too much that we're already having him count money?