Clifford didn't last long. It was probably just that one day. We're still stuck on Elmo.
Except he will watch other shows. "I Know" (which is the tv series "Psych") and movies with recognizable objects or animals like "Stuart Little" and "Kung Fu Panda".
Before I forget to mention it, I just wanted to say that Luke can now count to 10 in English and 3 in Spanish. I try to speak in Spanish, but he seems to want to learn English more with me. Anyway, as we jump down the stairs we count... one, two, thee, four, fii, ix, circle, a, ni, ten! I don't know where the "circle" came from. It just happened that way. My mom says that it reminds her of when I was little and I would say that "the dish ran over the spoon". He also knows what a star is (we put glow-in-the-dark stars up on his ceiling). And he can repeat colors and sometimes pick out the correct one. Body parts his knows - hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth/boca, tongue/lengua, chin, neck, teeth/cheese, cheek, button, pitties (major attachment to deodorant, so we had to buy him his own travel size), big cheeks (thank you tia), and toes/piggies.
More importantly... he is such a BOY!!! I knew it would be different than when my sister was little. But wow! He is such a boy! He wants to rough house, make huge messes, etc. His goal every day is to - in one word - DESTROY! Daddy has taught him especially well on how to wrestle and fight. When those two play it is so funny how Luke swings those arms and belly flops on Daddy. And he's smart! So I've had several complaints on Luke hitting other kids. Sigh... how do you teach a child that it's ok to "play" fight with Daddy, but you can't "play" or "serious" fight with other kids? Tough lesson. But we're trying. And it doesn't help that he has two boy cousins that were just as rough with him when he was younger, and act crazy. The other day I heard a story that while Luke was hanging out at the cousins' house, they were fighting over some toy probably. Luke, I guess, didn't want to argue, and instead grabbed his cousin by the hair and pushed him to the floor. The cousin, a heavy-set almost-three-year-old, started crying. Sigh again. I really don't want to raise the bully.
The good news is - he loves his mommy!