Summer has hit and we are officially in run-around, make-sure-to-mark-the-calendar mode.
Since the last time I have written, Luke has grown up so much. No longer does he want to eat baby food or drink from the bottle. He likes to brush his teeth and his own hair, and use a spoon... which is more like holding it in one hand while he picks up the food with the other.
The other day I took him to a doctor's appointment. He was weighed and measured, and had an iron test. When the lady pricked his finger, he sat there like a champ and watched her squeeze his little finger. And when she told me to hold a cotton ball on his boo-boo, he held it all by himself as I described it to him as "fluffy". (I signed him up for Summer Reading at the library; he really enjoys the board books that are touch and feel. Like "That's Not My Tiger..." and "That's Not My Bunny...". The pictures just crack him up! It's hilarious to watch. But right now we're working on textures.) I also learned from the visit that he can eat anything now! And from somewhere else that even though he's not speaking, he's storing away the names for things. So as we go around, I say "puppy", "fluffy", and "cheeeeereeee-ooos". Trying to get him to say please and thank-you, or even blow a kiss. But it's not happening. Luke is very good at nodding yes and shaking his head no. And when he enjoys some fruit or other tasty food, he'll even go mmmMMmmmm. Something Mommy taught him.
Anyway, today was his first day at the pool. A real pool. And he wasn't scared of the water at all. I think it would have been a better experience if he had taken a nap earlier, but overall it was a nice day. Now we just have to get the details straightened out for his sprinkler party for his birthday!
Oh and p.s. We went to a T-bones baseball game last night. Luke played with the foil off of our hot dogs and clapped his hands for the team, while flirting with all of the girls near-by. Not one temper tantrum (which unfortunately he's figured out how to do as well).
I'll post pictures as soon as I can.