Wednesday, August 5, 2015

3 Things I Don't Care For

40 Weeks

1. All of these zits. I have never had so many zits in all my life, at one time or maybe even altogether. They're not even staying in the "T Zone"; they're on my shoulders, mid back, neck, behind my ears, belly, center of cheek.... There are some in my eyebrows and so now my eyebrows have bald spots.

2. Thinking I'm at a certain place in labor and the doctors say different. I thought I lost the plug and that I would be starting to dilate soon, and that she was really low. Everyone says I'm lower than the last week, she's "dropped", and so on. The last time I went to the doctor, she said I was still at a .5cm and that she hasn't dropped yet. I don't understand how that can be. I just don't understand. And I thought that the second one comes earlier and quicker. And that girls are higher anyway. My due date is tomorrow, August 6th!

3. Not knowing between real contractions and fake ones. No one seems to be able to describe these for me. And it sucks. I can tell if I'm having Braxton Hicks, real contractions, or just nausea and upset stomach and back pain. I thought I did myself a favor by describing them in Luke's blog book... "My belly goes from basketball to football." But this time around there's nothing even close to that. It's more of... Incredible back pain all the time (could be from the way I sit on the couch or bed), cramps that last anywhere from 7-60 seconds, and nausea. But then she moves and I just can't tell anything apart. Ugh...

By the way, none of the Old Wives Tales work.
- pineapple
- spicy food
- walking
- dancing
- butterfly exercises
- yoga ball
- intimacy
- peeing
- laughing
- ankle pressure points
- massage

The only thing I didn't try was castor oil and acupuncture! <sigh>
She's never going to be here!!!!!!!! :(

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