Tuesday, July 17, 2018

They're trying to starve me, I'm sure of it... & Other Matters

28 Weeks, 2 Days (Entered into the 3rd Trimester)

So, whatever happened before camp, it seems like we went right back there after camp. It's been non-stop in this house and I'll try to catch up as much as I can.

For some reason Aldo decided to host 4th of July at our house. He invited the church, the family, and the neighborhood. After catching up on rest from camp, I immediately went to work on getting the house ready. One day, I cleaned out the garage and basement (because I figured that's where people would hang out since it would be hot and Aldo would be working the grill), only to realize... I did absolutely nothing to help out the house, which people would also walk through to use the restroom or cool down. The next day, which was the day before the 4th, I worked on the bedrooms, ran a load of dishes and finally a load of laundry. It was pristine! But of course, again, I missed the kitchen, bathrooms and floors... all much needed places to clean if we want to host anything ever. So then, I got up early on the 4th and did the rest of it while Aldo used the weed wacker. We went over time by a little bit, but it actually ended up working out just fine; EVERYONE was running on CPT.
After picking up Aldo's dad, we went to the fireworks stand and got a pretty good deal. Noted for next year. Got back, fired up the grill, and the people showed up gradually.
From cleaning, taking the kids to the parade (Also noted: not fantastic, but lots of candy collected), and going around entertaining everyone... I was exhausted.

Independence Day 2018

So then I tried to catch up on rest again. But then on Saturday, it was Home Depot Day. The kids love it and it gets them off of electronics and out of the house. So I went and did that... and then went to the Home Store and bought organization bins for the kids' rooms... and went through all their toys (that took two days alone).

Nephews <3 Mateo & Joshua

Home Depot Day!
(They made a fishing game and I learned about "Portrait Mode".)

The next week, we had Luke's follow-up appointment for x-rays on his feet. Originally we were told he would have to wear his cast for 8-10 weeks. But we were both surprised to find out that he was getting his cast off that day! And the rest of the month would be spent transitioning from the boots into tennis shoes in the house, and then tennis shoes outside the house, and then to regular play. Our final appointment for his feet!!!


Not the last appointment forever though. After getting back from camp, I had that weird glucola testing done that happens with every pregnancy. The next day, the office called back and said I didn't pass my test. At first, I was surprised. And then I read a ton of information online on what it means if you have gestational diabetes and freaked myself out. (The only thing that seemed to calm me down was a blog I found about a lady who said it was the best thing that could've happened for her health and the health of her baby. That it went away right after birth. Her child was fine. Things were regulated because of the early detection. And she had it again with her second pregnancy and was already in the habit of eating right, so it was easy to do.) I had to schedule an appointment for a 3-hour test for the following week. Fasting again. Hear the excitement? <sarcasm>
Had a bunch of people encouraging me and praying for me. Went in feeling pretty good. Glad I took the books and downloaded a movie on my phone. During the first hour I read a book and toward the end started feeling nauseous so I had to stop. The next two hours, I just watched a movie because it felt like my eyes were going cross-eyed and all I wanted to do was sleep. But I was stuck in the uncomfortable chairs of the waiting room.

The following day, Aldo had his yearly health screening with his work. Just another medical thing I had to attend. (Apparently his cholesterol is off.)

That weekend I worked at the library. Thank goodness I was busy doing displays and research so the time went by quickly.

Also during the weekend was the church's 50th Anniversary. Wonderful words from the speakers. Challenging too. I'm glad they provided lunch on Sunday because it felt like a healthy meal and as of late all I've been eating, it seems, is carbs from noodles and potatoes. After that we celebrated with Asher for his birthday. He had a messy party, which unfortunately Luke couldn't participate in wholly (specifically he CAN NOT be on trampolines, bounce houses, slip n slides, etc.), but he sure made the best of it. And Mila just doesn't like being dirty. While we were there, the kids loved on Asher's golden retriever puppy. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to bring it up while Aldo was holding the puppy in his arms... but I asked what we were going to do for Mila's birthday, which is coming up in August. I've been thinking along the lines of a dance party with ballet-type decor but also fun stuff for the boys too OR a Paw Patrol party or adopt-a-pet party like what Ember had years ago. Aldo blurted out, why not get a dog? ... <pause>
You can imagine what I was thinking. We're having a baby. In 2-3 months. Seriously??? And usually he's the one that holds back and I'm the one that pushes for the big thing.
Things went kind of quick. For the past three days, I haven't been able to sleep through the night because of anxiety from thinking about a puppy - Are we going to have one? Can we afford it? Is it the right time? Am I ready? What do we need to do to prep? What should we call it? The next day, Aldo talked with the breeders, sent an offer, and it was accepted. We are in line to have a golden retriever puppy, brother to the Gutz puppy, by THIS FRIDAY! ... <pause>

It's starting to look like a little sunshine in our week.

Back to medical... since I didn't get a call the next day from the Women's Clinic about the 3-hour testing like I did the first time, I figured everything was alright. Because they get back pretty quick with the unwanted results, and if they're good that's when it takes 2-3 business days. Today I found out that I did not pass.
> I have diet guidelines to follow.
> I have a nurse appointment where I learn about gestational diabetes and how to use a finger pricking device and monitor my sugars.
> I have a dietitian appointment next week.
I was on the phone for most of the afternoon talking to scheduling and insurance providers, seeing what's required and what's covered, filling out documents, and seeing how much things will cost.

I've kind of had enough medical issues for a while. (That's my feelings right now.)
After a good talk with a friend, I know I can get through it... many people have... and I know God has given me the strength and provision; He's made a way EVERY TIME... I don't need to worry.
Sincerely, I think my brain is just fried for the day.
No more thinking please.

The next few days will be busy and informational. With a little puppy-breath sweetness thrown in. Then next week (why did I do this to myself???), the kids have VBS at Jerad's church. And near the end, Aldo is going out of town to hear about selling insurance. I'm not looking forward to that Thursday...

  • Husband leaves early in the morning. 
  • Luke goes to VBS.
  • I lock up the puppy (*tentative) and leave for my next appointment with Dr. Holmes, since seeing the nurse and dietician.
  • I go back home to let out puppy*.
  • Jerad picks up kids, I go to work from 2-8pm. Who takes care of puppy?*

Not to mention, I have to run Children's Church all by myself that Sunday. <sigh>
I may be taking naps throughout the following days just to prepare myself for what's coming.
And seriously, what IS coming????

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